New Record Support!

Monday, March 19, 2018

For the fifth consecutive year, a new record number of U.S. Representatives has signed the annual “Dear Colleague” letter in support of federal arts funding, led by the bipartisan Congressional Arts Caucus co-chairs.

This year, the letter asked for “at least” $155 million for the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) for FY 2019, and 166 U.S. Representatives signed the letter—38 percent of the U.S. House. This funding support matches the request of the nonprofit arts community.

The bipartisan letter is available for download here.

The letter is delivered to the Appropriations Committee and is a key marker and signal of congressional support, as appropriators begin drafting legislation later this spring.

The continual increasing and bipartisan support in Congress behind this request is great news. During the 31st annual Arts Advocacy Day, over 650 attendees scheduled meetings with their representatives, as part of events surrounding the National Arts Action Summit. One of the messages arts advocates shared was information about the impact federal NEA grants make in local communities, and asking for their member's support of this federal funding.