Friday, March 20, 2020

How do you sum up a week like the one the country has just been through? We at Americans for the Arts hope you and yours are keeping safe and healthy during the coronavirus outbreak. We are working hard (from home—scroll down for a remote staff selfie!) to ensure that the arts and culture sector can weather this storm, together, and with appropriate and necessary financial relief from the federal government. Read on for tools you can use in this critical time for the arts.


Coronavirus (COVID-19) Resource and Response Center
Updated daily, the Response Center gathers information, resources, tools, and more that arts organizations can use as they prepare, respond, and recover from the coronavirus pandemic. 

5-Minute Survey: The Economic Impact of Coronavirus (COVID-19) on the Arts and Cultural Sector
Arts organizations of all sizes and types are invited to take this short survey that will capture a broad spectrum of data and stories to demonstrate how the arts and culture workers triumphed and survived this crisis, as well as the effect of the outbreak on operations through cancelled events, lost wages, and additional expenses. We also encourage you to share this survey with your communities.

The Economic Impact of Coronavirus (COVID-19) on the Arts and Cultural Sector: Survey Results Dashboard
This dashboard shows the latest, ongoing results from Americans for the Arts' ongoing survey to capture coronavirus-related economic impact reports from artists, arts organizations, and arts agencies of all types, genres, sizes, and tax statuses. Using this tool, you can view national aggregated data or can filter the information by either ZIP Code or State to see localized impacts.

Urge Support for the Arts During the COVID-19 Outbreak
Take two minutes through our Arts Action Center to contact your elected officials and urge them to include relief measures for the nonprofit arts sector in upcoming funding legislation responding to the economic impact of the coronavirus pandemic.

News Room

Nonprofit Arts Organizations Across the Country Are in Economic Freefall Because of COVID-19 and Our Federal Government Must Help
The coronavirus has already had a devastating economic impact on America’s nonprofit arts sector—financial losses to date are estimated to be $3.2 billion. Americans for the Arts calls on Congress to designate a minimum of $4 billion dollars—to be distributed through the National Endowment for the Arts—to help offset losses in the nonprofit arts industry and expand eligibility through additional federal programs to ensure artists, entrepreneurs, and small businesses in the creative economy can utilize business interruption relief, among other recommendations.

Funder? Here are 7 Things You Can Do To Support Your Arts Community
During this unprecedented time of crisis in our nation’s cultural, educational, economic and healthy well-being, Americans for the Arts calls on our nation’s public and private sector grantmakers and individual philanthropists in the arts to help respond to the impact of COVID-19 on the infrastructure of our nonprofit cultural organizations and artists.


Summa Health Connects Patients to Art and its Healing Powers by Meg Harris Stanton
Now, more than ever, can we see the healing value of the arts in healthcare for the physical and mental health of our care providers, patients, and their families. Hospitals and our communities are only made stronger when they care for the whole person, and the arts are crucial to helping make this possible. Together, these partnerships can be a powerful healing force for staff and patients alike.


Arts and Culture Sector and the Coronavirus: What We Know and How to Move Forward
As the Coronavirus (COVD-19) continues to develop, it's important that Local Arts Agencies and arts and culture organizations consider their preparedness, prevention, and response. Hear from Americans for the Arts staff as well as experts from the National Coalition for Arts’ Preparedness and Emergency Response, The Actors Fund, and the National Endowment for the Arts.

We are Stronger Together: Navigating Crises and Sustaining Healthy Relationships in the Era of Coronavirus
Join the partners of the Alliance for Performing Arts Conferences (APAC) for an informative, field-wide conversation with presenters, agents, artists, and legal and emergency response experts around the current business, legal, financial, ethical and relational realities we are facing together.

Job Bank

Managing Director of Detroit Harmony
Detroit Symphony Orchestra
Detroit, Michigan

Executive/Finance Assistant
Oklahoma Arts Council
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Development Director
Ox-Bow School of Art and Artists’ Residency
Chicago, Illinois

Marketing Manager
University of Miami
Miami, Florida

Pictured above: Stephen Canneto’s steel and dichroic glass sculpture “Beacon of Hope” at Summa Health in Akron, Ohio.


Hello and happy Friday from Americans for the Arts staff! We’ll get through this together, even if we can’t physically be together.