Friday, April 3, 2020

This week, our staff experts convened virtually with nearly 1,000 of our concerned constituents to discuss the CARES Act stimulus relief package and which parts of the law relate to the arts and culture sector. If you missed the live conversation, an archived recording is available for free on ArtsU. Also this week we discussed creative pricing strategies for artists (becoming ever more important in the current economy), and shared a new resource to help artists and municipal governments partner on community-minded projects—showcasing one of the many ways the arts can be an integral support system when the health crisis subsides.


Creative Pricing Strategies for Artists by Elaine Grogan Luttrull
Developing a pricing strategy in the arts requires as much art as it does arithmetic. And both parts are equally important. After all, the value of a creator’s work isn’t in the cost of the raw materials. It is in the experience, the expertise, and the skill added to those raw materials. And it is in the feelings, emotions, and experiences that affect the reader, or the viewer, or the audience member. But there is no math formula for that.

News Room

New Resource Guides Partnerships between Municipalities and Artists
Animating Democracy, a program of Americans for the Arts, and A Blade of Grass have published the Municipal-Artist Partnership (MAP) Guide, a free, online, practical resource to help artists and city and county administrators build partnerships that benefit their communities and engage artists’ creative thinking and skills in municipal government work.

COVID-19 Update for Arts & Culture Leaders of Color Fellowship
The application deadline for the 2020 Fellowship cohort for leaders from Chicago, Detroit, Milwaukee, and the Twin Cities has been extended until July 5, 2020, and the full-time job eligibility requirement for the program has been waived in order to expand access to those whose employment has been affected by the economy due to the COVID-19 pandemic.


COVID-19 Business/Arts Partnership Responses
Partnerships between businesses and the arts are always a place where innovation, growth, healing, inspiration, and productivity happens. This is especially true in a crisis. We know that arts and businesses sectors are stepping up to help each other and their communities. Please answer this short pARTnership Movement survey to help capture and quantify the impact of your partnerships on the arts field and the economy. 

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Resource and Response Center
Updated daily, the Response Center gathers information, resources, tools, and more that arts organizations can use as they prepare, respond, and recover from the coronavirus pandemic.


COVID-19 Relief Package Briefing: An Americans for the Arts Virtual Check-In
Hear from Americans for the Arts staff who share an overview our advocacy and research relating to the new federal COVID-19 Relief Package. Speakers discuss Americans for the Arts COVID-19 response resources; the new legislation and what parts relate to arts organizations, artists, and the creative economy; and what you should expect in the next few weeks.

Supporting Individual Artists Coffee Chat: Creative Pricing Strategies for Artists
Elaine Grogan Luttrull, Founder of Minerva Financial Arts, presents an interactive workshop outlining the science behind four factors to consider in pricing strategies and sharing hands-on activities for building a strategy that captures the real value of an artist’s work or time.

Pictured above: Mary Pottenger’s Art At Work in Portland, ME, Thin Blue Lines project. Featured in the Municipal-Artist Partnership Guide. Courtesy of Marty Pottenger.