Tuesday, January 15, 2013

NY: 1 Percent for Culture Campaign Begins

"Councilman Jimmy Van Bramer, Chair of the Cultural Affairs, Libraries and International Intergroup Relations Committee announced his support for the One Percent for Culture Campaign at an event at MoMA PS1 in Long Island City, strengthening the growing coalition to support New York City’s cultural landscape.

The councilman’s support lends political clout to the rapidly growing coalition of cultural, business, civic leaders, and artists throughout all five boroughs who recognize the vital role of the city’s 1,200-plus nonprofit cultural organizations.

'Through a coalition of hundreds of nonprofit cultural organizations and tens of thousands of New Yorkers we will continue to fight for essential funding we so desperately need for the arts,' said Council Member Jimmy Van Bramer, 'By increasing funding for culture and the arts in all five boroughs we will sustain our New York City’s dominance as the world’s premiere cultural capital for future years to come.'

One Percent for Culture is an an unprecedented collaboration across New York City’s cultural and business communities aimed at educating New Yorkers about the value of non-profit culture to New York City. The city has made great strides by increasing capital support for cultural organizations over the past decade, and this campaign seeks to ensure that the next administration understands the vital role culture plays in our city. Only with future operating support can these investments in our cultural organizations provide long-term benefit to all New Yorkers.

The coalition, which has grown to 245 members, seeks to garner a commitment from the city to ensure that non-profit cultural organizations across all five boroughs receive one percent of the municipal expense budget annually. More than 25,000 New Yorkers have already signed the One Percent for Culture appeal in support of investment in cultural organizations."

HarlemWorldMag.com 01/08/2013
