
While most economic impact studies of the arts have focused primarily on the nonprofit sector (such as our own Arts & Economic Prosperity® studies), Creative Industries is the first national study that encompasses both the nonprofit and for-profit arts industries.

Putting the Data to Work

By plotting Dun & Bradstreet business and employment data for both the nonprofit and for-profit arts sectors onto a map of your community, you can paint a picture of a powerful engine in your community's information economy. What makes this data especially potent is that it can be localized to any city, county, state, region, or political jurisdiction in the country, and it can be updated regularly so that you can track trend data. View our most current standard reports by exploring the links below.

Downloadable Reports:

View the Creative Industries National Summary Report

Due to data licensing agreements, all other Creative Industries reports require a login and your consent to our Terms of Use. When you click on the "View the Creative Industries Reports" link below, you will be asked to accept the Terms and log in. If you have any questions or difficulty accessing the reports, please send us an email or give us a call at 202.371.2830. Thank you!

View the Individual and Comparative Creative Industries Reports (login required)

Individual reports are available for the 50 U.S. states and the District of Columbia, all 435 U.S. Congressional Districts, all 6,766 state legislative districts, and all 3,141 U.S. counties. Comparative reports are available for states, Congressional Districts, state legislative districts, counties, and the 100 most populated U.S. cities. A full suite of user tools and a comprehensive list of the industries included in this analysis are also provided. All are available for download by our members at no additional charge.

Defining the Creative Industries

We have taken a conservative approach to defining the Creative Industries by focusing solely on businesses involved in the production or distribution of the arts. For the purposes of this study, the Creative Industries are composed of arts-centric businesses that range from nonprofit museums, symphonies, and theaters to for-profit film, architecture, and advertising companies. We have guarded against overstatement of the sector by excluding industries such as computer programming and scientific research—both creative, but not focused on the arts.

View a summary of the Creative Industries Classifications.

Our Data

The source of our data is Dun & Bradstreet, which provides specific and reliable information about employment and the number of arts-centric businesses in both the nonprofit and for-profit arts. The Creative Industries data are based solely on active U.S. businesses that have registered with Dun & Bradstreet (D&B). Because not all businesses register, our analyses indicate an under-representation of nonprofit arts organizations in the data. Additionally, many individual artists are not included, as not all are employed by a business or register with Dun & Bradstreet. The data in this report, therefore, should be considered conservative. 

Learn how to participate in our Creative Industries Study - Sign Up and Be Counted!

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Have questions or concerns? Find an error in your report? Please contact us by e-mail or call us at 202.371.2830.