The State of the Arts in Chicago Public Schools

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Ingenuity’s "State of the Arts" progress report shows that Chicago Public Schools (CPS) have increased arts instruction, staffing, partnerships, and funding during the second year of implementing the CPS Arts Education Plan. The CPS Arts Education Plan and the effort to expand instruction in CPS is a leading goal of the Chicago Cultural Plan, issued by the Chicago Department of Cultural Affairs and Special Events.

The report also finds that combined District and external funds committed to arts education in CPS increased 11 percent, or by nearly $14 million—most of which has been dedicated to CPS’ hiring of credentialed arts instructors.

The additional district funding is important, given that while 94 percent of schools reported having an arts instructor; just 55 percent met the recommended 1:350 instructor to student ratio, which indicates that work remains to ensure that all students receive access to arts instruction.

“CPS schools continue to advance the arts through strong leaders and conscious investments. Our public-private partnership with the City of Chicago and Chicago Public Schools remains a key component to our supporting the work of the schools while engaging with community arts partners to help schools with their programming. This Progress Report shows that schools are taking steps to ensure an arts education for every CPS student,” said Paul Sznewajs, Ingenuity Executive Director.
