Insurance and Risk Management for Museums and Historical Societies


Research Abstract
Insurance and Risk Management for Museums and Historical Societies

This guides identifies the broad range of risks faced by museums and historical societies, including various types of liability, property risks, crime exposures, and employee benefits. Written by specialists in risk management and insurance for non-profits, this book points out the risks, describes strategies for controlling them, and offers advice on dealing with the insurance industry. Though written about museums, the book is also a resource for non-profit managers.

Introduction by Alice Bryan.
Loss Control: the museum and its collection by Alice Bryan.
Risk identification and risk financing: developing a risk management policy by Edgar W. Armstrong.
Loss adjustment and claims processing by William F. Smith.
Liability insurance by Gene M. Marsh.
Trustee liability by William K. Brown, Jr.
Media liability and copyright considerations by Chad Milton.
Insuring property risks from the underwriter's and policy holders' perspectives by David Kaiser.
Real and personal property insurance by David Kaiser.
Working with loss control representatives by Alice Bryan.
Collections insurance by David Kaiser.
Crime exposures and bonds by Edward J. Stoltz.
Boiler and machinery insurance by Donald T. Broglie and Gilbert F. Granados.
Employee benefits by Randolph R. Johnson.

This guides identifies the broad range of risks faced by museums and historical societies, including various types of liability, property risks, crime exposures, and employee benefits. Written by specialists in risk management and insurance for non-profits, this book points out the risks, describes strategies for controlling them, and offers advice on dealing with the insurance industry. Though written about museums, the book is also a resource for non-profit managers.

Gallery Association of New York State
0-934483-06-X (p)
95 p.
December, 1984

The Exhibition Alliance
P.O. Box 345
NY, 13346-0345