The Roles of Women in the Arts


Research Abstract
The Roles of Women in the Arts

My paper this morning will attempt to demonstrate four points:

  1. That American women do participate in all the arts in all ways, and that the stereotype of women as Patrons and Culture Bearers while Men are the Artists and Culture Creators, is neither true nor desirable.

  2. That women do not create to the extent that men do, and that in some roles women have less access and fewer accomplishments than in others.

  3. That there are historical and cultural conditions which limit the participation of women in the arts, and that many overdue changes in our attitudes and institutions might widen a woman's range of choice.

  4. And finally, that the Arts and the Art World - those people devoted to the development and encouragement of the arts - have a special responsibility to enlarge the sphere of participation of women, and in fact, will only accomplish their objectives in the world of the arts when women as well as men are truly creative human beings.

1. Women's participation in the arts.
2. Women as creative contributors to the arts.
3. Suggested reasons for disparity in creativity of men and women and proposed social
4. Why the arts must be concerned with women's roles.


Clarenbach, Kathryn F.
December, 1966

Wisconsin Idea Theatre