Robin Child

Arts Ed on the Bering Sea

Posted by Robin Child, Sep 15, 2016

Robin Child

Fall is sneaking its way into the air slowly here in northwestern Alaska. Soon, the all-night sunshine will be but a memory, the ocean will freeze over, and my job, as an art teacher, will be even more important: we all know how a little creativity can lift the spirits and a little color can turn a dark day around.

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Mr. Jeff M. Poulin

Because of Arts Education

Posted by Mr. Jeff M. Poulin, Sep 09, 2016

Mr. Jeff M. Poulin

Whether an educator, architect, doctor, volunteer, or accountant, we know the arts have had some impact on you. We know the arts develop certain skills in people that prove essential. We know that those skills lead to successes in work and life. Now is our time as a field to share these stories of impact with decision makers. 

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Zachary Saffa

The Microeconomics of Music Education

Posted by Zachary Saffa, Sep 15, 2016

Zachary Saffa

This post has nothing to do with the financial implications of music, of the arts, or of education at all, and you won’t see a single chart or dollar sign on this page. Instead, I’m going to highlight a simple economic concept that many of you may have learned at some point, and see if we can use it to open up our minds to a new wrinkle in thinking about arts education.

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Shelli Margheritis

Expanding the Spotlight on Dance Education

Posted by Shelli Margheritis, Sep 16, 2016

Shelli Margheritis

Everyone can make a difference; together we can make a big difference by pushing to make sure arts programs continue to be funded and offered. By finding new ways to integrate and implement arts programs, we can help kids learn in creative and different manners.

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