That Child of Fleeting Time


Title: sculpture view from across the street
Photo Credit: Kyungmi Shin
Lead Artist(s):


The artist’s intention was to create a sculpture that has an iconic physical presence at this important historic location connecting Hollywood’s past to the Hollywood’s digital present and future in harmonious dialogue with the architecture of the new ICON building housing the Netflix Headquarters.

The project site is designated as Los Angeles Historic-Cultural Monument #180 as the “Site of the Filming of the First Talking Feature Film”, The Jazz Singer. “The Jazz Singer” is a classic tale of the struggle between the two generations; tradition vs. innovation. It is an apt metaphor for the Hollywood film industry at the forefront of innovation in almost every generation.  Netflix’s move into the ICON building made a great juxtaposition to the site — the original studio location of Warner Brother’s Pictures.  The new is built atop of the old.

The old-fashioned film strip served as a motif for the sculpture.  The film strips were cut into removing pixels as if the old film is pixelating and transforming into the present and future.  The sculptures’ surface is lined with programmed LED bulbs turning the sculpture into a live movie screen that plays thousands of clips lasting 6 seconds in duration each, shuffled randomly, resulting in an artwork that is always in motion and is never the same.

The clips were created from early technology test films including an animation of the sound technology used for the Jazz Singer, color tests done by Thomas Edison & Kodak, movement studies by Muybridge, among many others.  Analog noise was added by distorting the original footage to create colorful abstract sequences that refer to the digital future while looking back at the history of the film industry’s technological evolution.


Public Space
The project was created for the new Netflix Headquarter building located in Hollywood. The project site is designated as Los Angeles Historic-Cultural Monument #180 as the “Site of the Filming of the First Talking Feature Film”. This free-standing exterior sculpture is located on the south side of Sunset Blvd in front of the new Netflix Headquarters. It is placed in the large landscaping area located between the pedestrian walkway and the building.
Netflix Headquarters at Sunset Bronson Studios
5808 Sunset Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90028
United States

click the map to enlarge

Bronston Studios/ Hudson Pacific Properties
Hudson Pacific Properties
Public Art Services
John Grant

Sculpture, Video
LED, Metal, Video
Film Credits: 
Horse Studies (1873) Eadweard Muybridge • Early anatomy studies (1890) Étienne Jules Marey • First Films (1895) Lumiere Films • Early Edison Films (1894-96) Edison Studios • Kinetoscope (1897) Edison Studios • Train Films (1897-1906), Edison Studios • New Brooklyn to New York via Brooklyn Bridge (1899) Edison Studios • The Enchanted Drawing (1900) Edison Studios • Le Voyage Dans la Lune / Trip to the Moon (1902) Georges Méliès • Oldest Color Films (1902) Edward Turner • Les Roses Magique / The Magic Roses (1906) Segundo Chomón, Pathé Frères Film Catalogue no. 1560 • The Skyscrapers of New York (1906) American Mutoscope & Biograph Co. • Humorous Phases of Funny Faces (1906) James Stewart Blackton • A Visit to the Seaside (1908) George Albert Smith using Kinemacolor • Little Nemo (1911) Windsor McKay • Kodachrome Film Test (1922) Eastman Kodak • The Voice From the Screen (1922) Warner Bros. (as The Vitaphone Corporation) • Finding His Voice (1929) F. Lyle Goldman and Max Fleischer