Americans for the Arts Issues Statement in Response to Trump Administration’s Proposed FY 2020 Budget

Monday, March 18, 2019

Photo of Robert Lynch

Following the release of the Trump administration’s proposed FY 2020 budget, which includes elimination the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA), the National Endowment for the Humanities, the Institute of Museum and Library Services, and Corporation for Public Broadcasting, Americans for the Arts President and CEO Robert L. Lynch released a statement.

Chae Reid

Dancing4Defenders: How Dancing Can Benefit Military Populations

Posted by Chae Reid, Mar 15, 2019

Chae Reid

Since my enlistment in the US Air Force, I have conducted group classes on military installations since 2013. As part of my DC-area dance company, Moving Rhythms, I began Dance4Defenders, which aims to provide dance-related programming to military members and veterans wherever I am stationed. Most recently, in February 2019, I hosted a dance class at the Coast Guard Yard in Baltimore. But, let’s talk about the benefits of dance! In the last few years, dance and health professionals alike have touted the numerous benefits of dancing, from both physical and mental standpoints. These include every aspect from improved heart and lung function to increased confidence and psychological wellbeing. However, dancing can have even more positive implications for military service members and veterans.

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