Volunteers are a critical component for any arts organization, from the ushers to fundraising, pro-bono consulting and board service. They are also an excellent point of entry for establishing a relationship with businesses. Hear from business volunteers about why they choose to volunteer for the arts and how it has helped them grow in their business careers. Learn tips from Business Volunteers for the Arts program managers about successfully managing the volunteer process.

Partnering with local businesses to help build employee engagement and enhance teamwork, arts organizations have successfully developed and launched arts-based training programs for businesses. Learn how organizations across the country are making the case for arts-based training and creating new and innovative programs to work with businesses.

The 2010 Business Committee for the Arts National Survey of Business Support to the Arts found that small and mid-size businesses more than ever contribute a larger share of arts dollars compared to large businesses. Small and mid-size businesses also provide a significant amount of non-cash support to the arts.  Hear why small and mid-size businesses partner with the arts and learn how arts organizations create successful partnerships with small to mid-sized businesses.

This webinar will provide a detailed examination of to the pARTnership Movement—a new Americans for the Arts program that aims to strengthen relationships between business and the arts. The webinar will walk through the newly-launched pARTnership website—showing local examples of partnerships, how to use newly-created tools and talking points to increase community partnerships between businesses and arts organizations

When businesses partner with the arts, everyone profits. Sign on to learn about The pARTnership Movement, Americans for the Arts' new campaign directed to the business community with the message that partnering with the arts can build their competitive advantage. By offering real world examples, the campaign demonstrates how the arts provide businesses with a number of benefits including enhancing critical thinking skills and creativity within the workforce and strengthening community engagement.

Interested in creating stronger partnerships with businesses in your community? Join in a discussion with field leaders on how your organization can become more engaged with your business community. Learn about The pARTnership Movement, our upcoming visibility campaign designed to reach business leaders with the message of how partnering with the arts builds their competitive advantage and helps them achieve their business goals.

Each year the BCA 10 honors ten businesses that have been exceptional partners with the arts. These companies set the standard of excellence and serve as role models for other businesses to follow. Hear directly from 2013 honorees about why they partner with the arts and learn how to create successful partnerships with the businesses in your community.


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