Author(s): DeShazo, Jessica and Smith Zachary, Editors
Date of Publication: Jan 01, 2015

"DeShazo & Smith carefully selected eight U.S. cities to demonstrate the breadth and innovation in municipal public art programs today, from vegetable gardens to performance spaces and temporary site-specific installations. But the real value in these case studies lies not in the final products, but in underlining the public engagement process before and afterwards. They teach us that indifference is bad: a sign of low civic interest where people are disconnected, and stress the importance of critique and allowing the public to both adopt and adapt the works/spaces to their own

Author(s): Amy Schwartzman
Date of Publication: Jan 01, 2017

"This Guide introduces a network-building approach, called “cultural placekeeping,” for both safeguarding and strengthening local arts and culture communities. Organizing a self-help emergency action network to supplement and coordinate with the existing disaster management system is a way to foster community cohesion and connectedness—important generally and invaluable when a crisis strikes" [preface]

Author(s): Hodgson, Kimberly; Beavers, Kelly Ann
Date of Publication: Jan 01, 2011

In this series of briefing papers, the American Planning Association — as part of a collaborative project with the RMC Research Corporation and with funding from the Rockefeller Foundation — illustrates how planners can work with partners in the arts and culture sector and use creative strategies to achieve economic, social, environmental, and community goals.

Author(s): Americans for the Arts
Date of Publication: Jan 01, 2017

This infographic provides an overview of what Local Arts Agencies are, how they are funded, and how they serve their communities.

Author(s): Kalima Rose, Milly Hawk Daniel, and Jeremy Liu
Date of Publication: Jan 01, 2017

The community-centered arts and culture movement—made up of social justice artists, arts and culture agencies focused on racial equity, and cultural centers that serve communities of color and low-income communities— leads in securing cultural assets, building greater social cohesion, and feeding economic vibrancy. [Introduction p.4]

Author(s): Walsh, Patricia
Date of Publication: Jan 01, 2017

This template is designed as a reference for developing an agenda for your first meeting of a public art planning process with you and your project team/stakeholders.

Author(s): Vink, Mandy
Date of Publication: Dec 01, 2016

This essay explores how different cities are looking to utilize public art as strategy for civic exploration.

Author(s): Kirkland, Larry; Conley Odenkirk, Sarah
Date of Publication: Jun 01, 2010

This Concept Consultancy Letter Agreement Template is intended to cover a specific situation – one in which an agency, program or private developer is interested in exploring the potential of an art project for a specific location

Author(s): Kirkland, Larry; Conley Odenkirk, Sarah
Date of Publication: Jun 01, 2010

This agreement template is designed as a recommendation for developing a contract between a commissioning agency and an artist as a means to contract with the artist to develop a concept for an art project for a specific location.

Author(s): Pally, Marc and Manton, Jill
Date of Publication: Jun 01, 2005

This annotated model agreement addresses many of the most current requirements and considerations of a contractual agreement to commission a work of art and is provided as a service to the field. This document provides discussion of a number of issues and points typically found in a commission agreement and is intended primarily as a reference and educational resource.

Author(s): Public Art Network Advisory Council of Americans for the Arts
Date of Publication: Jan 01, 2013

The "Artist Selection Process Resource Guide: contains information about best practices that will help you navigate the call for artists process.

Author(s): Stern, Mark J. and Seifert, Susan C.
Date of Publication: Mar 01, 2017

This report presents the current findings of a study of culture and social wellbeing in New York City conducted by the University of Pennsylvania Social Impact of the Arts Project (SIAP) in collaboration with Reinvestment Fund. The project began in the fall of 2014 when SIAP accepted an invitation from Tom Finkelpearl, Commissioner of Cultural Affairs for the City, to conduct a study of the social value of the arts. The study builds on SIAP’s over twenty years of research and writing on the non-­‐ economic impact of the arts on urban communities. During that time, SIAP has

Author(s): Americans for the Arts
Date of Publication: Jan 01, 2015

This one pager provides an overview of the benefits of Cultural Tourism in the United States and includes the percentage of foreign visitors participating in arts & culture while visiting the U.S.

Author(s): McGregor, Jennifer and Piechocki, Renee
Date of Publication: Jan 01, 2012

The Rose Kennedy Greenway Conservancy will collaborate with Boston’s creative community to present public art that enhances the city’s imaginative capacity, enlivens neighborhoods, contributes to economic vitality, and sparks civic exchange.

Author(s): Jackson Hole Public Art
Date of Publication: May 15, 2019

This toolkit contains resources for best practices, planning, community engagement, funding, launching, installing and amplifying your art and placemaking activities.

Author(s): Cohen, Randy
Date of Publication: Jan 01, 2016

This one pager give an overview of key data from the 2015 Local Arts Agency Census about how local arts agencies provide programs, services, and funding to strengthen their local arts industries and make the arts accessible to all.

Author(s): National League of Cities
Date of Publication: Jan 01, 2016

This Infographic, The Maker Movement: A Timeline of Key Modern Events, was develope to show key events the are helping to grow the maker movement in America.

Author(s): Gadwa, Anne; Markusen, Ann
Date of Publication: Jan 01, 2010

This white paper from the National Endowment for the Arts summarizes two decades of creative American placemaking, drawing on original economic research and case studies of pathbreaking initiatives in large and small cities, metropolitan to rural, as well as published accounts. The case studies stretch from Providence, Rhode Island, to Los Angeles, California, and from Arnaudville, Louisiana, and Fond du Lac, Minnesota, to Seattle, Washington.

Author(s): Reconnecting to Our Waterways; ArtPlace America; The Kresge Foundation; Walker, Jim
Date of Publication: May 15, 2019

These documents define Creative Placemaking and relay some issues that relate to it. The authors outline how arts administrators can promote creative placemaking projects to attract people to their cities. 

Author(s): Springboard for the Arts
Date of Publication: Jan 01, 2014

The Irrigate toolkit stemmed from the Irrigate project, which leveraged the arts to offset the disruption caused by construction of a new rail line in St.Paul, MN. Disruption is something that all communities face at some point in their trajectories, and this toolkit clearly lays out how the arts can help help turn a ubiquitous challenge into positive outcomes.

Author(s): Riley, Joseph
Date of Publication: Jan 01, 2010

Transcript of Joseph Riley's lecture, for the 23rd Annual Nancy Hanks Lecture on Arts and Public Policy on April 12, 2010.

Author(s): Markusen, Ann and Gadwa, Anne
Date of Publication: Jan 01, 2010

This white paper summarizes two decades of creative American placemaking, drawing on original economic research and case studies of pathbreaking initiatives in large and small cities, metropolitan to rural, as well as published accounts. The case studies stretch from Providence, Rhode Island, to Los Angeles, California, and from Arnaudville, Louisiana, and Fond du Lac, Minnesota, to Seattle, Washington. Each reveals a distinctive strategy that succeeded when initiators built partnerships across sectors, missions, and levels of government, leveraging funds from diverse sources and programs.<

Author(s): Dr. Osborne, T.L.
Date of Publication: Feb 01, 2015

"Why Am I Writing This Book? There are many aspects of Hip Hop culture that exceeds beyond just the beat, a dance, or a catchy hook. The Hip Hop Lectures (Volume 1) & The Hip Hop Lectures (Volume 2) are books that were created to make a connection between the past and the present, as it relates to Hip Hop culture. Hip Hop culture has been able to accomplish so much in such a very short period of time, most of which includes the bridging of generational and racial gaps locally and internationally. The hope; however, is that the culture continues to grow and evolve to a point where

Author(s): Stubbs, Ryan
Date of Publication: Jan 01, 2014

Americans for the Arts has commissioned five essays spanning the intricacies of arts, entertainment, and cultural districts specifically for policymakers, arts leaders, planning professionals, community development practitioners, and others who are interested in developing new districts or adapting existing ones.

Author(s): Borrup, Tom
Date of Publication: Jan 01, 2014

Americans for the Arts has commissioned five essays spanning the intricacies of arts, entertainment, and cultural districts specifically for policymakers, arts leaders, planning professionals, community development practitioners, and others who are interested in developing new districts or adapting existing ones.

Author(s): Ashley, Dr. Amanda Johnson
Date of Publication: Jan 01, 2014

Americans for the Arts has commissioned five essays spanning the intricacies of arts, entertainment, and cultural districts specifically for policymakers, arts leaders, planning professionals, community development practitioners, and others who are interested in developing new districts or adapting existing ones.

Author(s): Eger, John M.
Date of Publication: Jan 01, 2014

Americans for the Arts has commissioned five essays spanning the intricacies of arts, entertainment, and cultural districts specifically for policymakers, arts leaders, planning professionals, community development practitioners, and others who are interested in developing new districts or adapting existing ones.

Author(s): Esinger, Peter
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1999

This article studies the implications of building expansive venues to attract visitors to a city. The thesis is that building the city for visitors may strain the bonds of trust between local leaders and citizens.

Author(s): Majstorovic, Steven
Date of Publication: Jan 01, 1972

This article is part of a series published by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) to show how cultural policies are planned and implemented in various UNESCO member states. The author explore Cultural Policy in Yugoslavia.


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