Author(s): Gladys Santo
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1972

This report is an inventory and analysis of cultural resources found in or near the Black River-St. Lawrence region. It is the basis for an improvement and expansion of the level of offerings in the visual and performing arts, crafts, libraries, schools, museums and similar related cultural resources. The report treats actual resources available at present, the necessary facilities and delivery systems, and identifies people who are involved in cultural activities. The situation in the region is compared with other similar regions. Deficiencies and strong points are identified. Also, many

Author(s): Fulton, William and Newman, Morris
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 2002

In recent memory, the topic of community building has been examined and explored in countless ways. The arts have effectively played the role as convener and construction worker in matters of community. The arts have potential to connect people within a community in new ways, to bringing disparate people together, and to tap into a communitys latent creativity.ン Another recent buzz-word often heard in community building circles is smart growth, ン or a series of activities designed to re-orient and re-center the physical design of communities so that their community fabric is strengthened.ン

Author(s): Stevens, Louise K.
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1989

For many the process of developing a strategic cultural plan is as important as the finished document, for the process builds community awareness, excitement, and involvement. An inclusive process that invites the participation of many people representing diverse constituencies and points of view paves the way for the plan to be adopted and implemented. Within the context of community planning, culture becomes a relevant issue to be discussed and debated, along with all other municipal concerns.

Author(s): City of Boston
Date of Publication: Jun 30, 2003

Keeping Boston's Creative Capital quantifies what kind of space artists need, as well as what they can afford to pay for that space. This data will allow the City of Boston, the BRA and developers of real estate better understand and respond to the needs and opportunities present in our vibrant artist community.

Author(s): Socratic Technologies
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 2002

The New Yorker and LaPlaca Cohen, a cultural marketing consulting firm, wanted to better understand the opinions of New Yorker Compass members regarding culture compared to the general population. Respondents were asked to reveal their opinions regarding visual and performing arts and the roles of culture. Socratic Technologies, a market research firm specializing in Web-based research, conducted this survey.

Author(s): Gannett Center Journal
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1989

[The essays in this volume undertake] to investigate two of the most vital forces of cultural transmission in contemporary society. Progress in the law, religion, family and schools - the conservers of social values - tends to occur at a glacial pace. Like glaciers, they permit one to glimpse the transformed landscape only when the ice has retreated. Arts and the media, by contrast, move at the speed of light and reflect the ongoing social change as quickly as any modern institution. Like a drug that enhances perception, works of art and newspaper headlines enter the bloodstream immediately.

Author(s): Stone, Samuel C.
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1982

Paper presented at the Arts Edge Conference on cities and cultural planning, sponsored by the National Endowment for the Arts, Partners for Livable Places, the American Council for the Arts and the City of Pittsburgh, held in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, October 4-7, 1981.

Author(s): Green, Kevin W.
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1982

Paper presented at the Arts Edge Conference on cities and cultural planning, sponsored by the National Endowment for the Arts, Partners for Livable Places, the American Council for the Arts and the City of Pittsburgh, held in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, October 4-7, 1981.

Author(s): Weinstein, Richard S.
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1982

Paper presented at the Arts Edge Conference on cities and cultural planning, sponsored by the National Endowment for the Arts, Partners for Livable Places, the American Council for the Arts and the City of Pittsburgh, held in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, October 4-7, 1981.

Author(s): Montana Arts Council
Date of Publication: Jun 09, 2000

The Montana Arts Council Strategic Plan outlines the goals, objectives and strategies for success in arts education, economic development and increased agency resources in FY 2001-06.

Author(s): Mississippi Arts Commission
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 2002

The Mississippi Arts Commission Strategic Plan for 2003-2008 summarizes the agency's six primary goals to improve and expand arts participation and activities in Mississippi.

Author(s): Strom, Elizabeth
Date of Publication: Aug 31, 2002

The importance of cultural institutions to contemporary revitalization efforts in U.S. cities is attributed to several factors. First, the transformation of the urban political economy has made cities more dependent on their consumption economies. Second, urban cultural institutions have a strong interest in improving their surroundings, especially now that they have become more dependent on revenue-generating activities and on funding sources interested in attracting broad audiences. Finally, cultural hierarchies have become less rigid, allowing cultural institutions to draw on serious and

Author(s): Strom, Elizabeth
Date of Publication: Aug 31, 2002

The importance of cultural institutions to contemporary revitalization efforts in U.S. cities is attributed to several factors, including cities' dependence on their consumption economies, cultural institutions' interest in improving their surroundings, and cultural institutions' abilities to draw on serious and popular art forms.

Author(s): The Cultural Alliance of Greater Milwaukee and the United Performing Arts Fund
Date of Publication: Nov 05, 2006

The Executive Summary for a 360 page report on how to target new customers, testing the capactiy of the market to maintain or expand audiences, identifying possibilites for audience diversification, ticketing strategies and recommendations for growth opportunities.

Author(s): Brooks, Arthur C. and Kushner, Roland J.
Date of Publication: Oct 01, 2002

The authors suggest proxy measures for quantyfing the presence of the arts in a city. They provide a sample of 20 American cities.

Author(s): Merryman, John Henry and Elsen, Albert E.
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1981

The authors examine a variety of significantly different situations of stolen and smuggled cultural objects which can be acquired by collectors and museums. Each case examined, in their opinion, calls for quite different legal treatment. They examine principal types of cases, identify the interests of art exporting and importing nations, and suggest a method of distinguishing those cases that call for action by the international community from those that are primarily of domestic concern to the exporting nation alone.

Author(s): Suzanne Callahan
Date of Publication: Nov 30, 2004

Singing Our Praises is designed to demystify evaluation by highlighting glowing examples of arts presenters who have used it to learn about their success. Through real-life stories, concrete tools and techniques adapted from other fields, arts practitioners are trained to design their own evaluations in order to reveal the value of their arts programs.

Author(s): Lake Wales Arts Council
Date of Publication: Apr 30, 2002

The Lake Wales Arts Council Strategic Plan details the Council's six primary goals and year-to-year plan for implementation and expansion as well as the vision and mission of the organization.

Author(s): The Kennedy Center
Date of Publication: Aug 31, 2004

The Kennedy Center Arts Education Leadership Kit provides a framework for supporting the arts education leadership development needs of cultural organizations, school district leaders, teaching artists, arts management students, and other individuals interested in their own continued professional development.

Author(s): Indiana Arts Commission
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1998

The information and materials in this handbook were compiled to provide the Indiana Arts Commission's Regional Partner Organizations with assistance in developing and implementing their regional grants making programs for allocating Regional Partnership Initiative block grant funding. Information in this handbook is based on the Indiana Arts Commission's past grants making policies and practices. Except where noted, specific policies, practices, and forms are optional. All information and materials may be modified to meet the specific needs of the Regional Partner Organization.

Date of Publication: Jun 02, 2005

The importance of the cultural planning approach and the development of an organised cultural cluster operating and renewing itself in a virtuous synergy with the other functions of the city, are analysed as key actions in putting culture at the centre of a sustainable urban development.

Author(s): Cultural Policy Center (CPC) at the University of Chicago
Date of Publication: May 15, 2019

The Cultural Policy Center (CPC) at The University of Chicago convened Lasting Effects: Assessing the Future of Economic Impact Analysis of the Arts, a three day conference that examined benefits and pitfalls of using economic impact analysis (EIA) as a tool for arts advocacy.

Author(s): Arts Alliance, Inc.
Date of Publication: Jun 30, 2001

The Cultural Plan for Albuquerque, prepared by the Arts Alliance for City Hall, ably promotes the diversity and quality of our hidden cultural life to outsiders and to our own ever-increasing population. The Cultural Plan challenges the mainstream� and celebrates Albuquerque's great strength as a nonconformist city with both a practical and creative temperament.

Author(s): Cummings, Milton C. Jr.
Date of Publication: Jan 01, 1990

The author surveys the history of the arts and government relationship in this country and finds illuminating parallels in our past with the political controversies about art and government support in the late 1980's.

Author(s): Hyde, Phillip
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1988

The author examines issues in cultural planning and specifically examines the cultural plan for the city of Lowell, Massachusetts. The author make the following conclusion: The Plan was successful for a number of reasons.

Author(s): Kreiger, Karen
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1988

The author examines cultural planning based on field experience in Amherst, Lawrence, Northampton, and the Northern Berkshire region of Massachusetts which includes Williamstown, North Adams and Adams.

Author(s): Thomas, Shirl
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1976

The author discusses the role of children in cultural planning of a town. In particular, the author discusses the cultural facilities of San Antonio, Texas.

Author(s): Newton, Michael
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1976

The author discusses the changing environment for cultural services at the local level in the United States.

Author(s): Ritterbush, Philip C.
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1980

The author discusses patterns of support for the arts including private patronage, corporate philanthropy, and government's role in cultural development, the main thrust of the essay.

Author(s): Michael E. Sikes, Ph.D.
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 2002

The Arts Education Project Designer's Toolbook has been developed to help plan and evaluate programs. For artists and community members working in an educational setting, it will provide an introduction to educational planning and related terms. For teachers, it will provide a helpful review. Using the Toolbook will help you develop superior programs and competitive grant applications for local, national, or private funding.


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