Author(s): Randy I. Cohen and Margaret Jane Wyszomirski
Date of Publication: Nov 01, 2002

In 1998, The Pew Charitable Trusts commissioned Americans for the Arts and The Ohio State University Arts Policy and Administration Program to analyze public and private sources of support for arts and culture. This report is the result of that research.

Author(s): Bush, Robert
Date of Publication: Dec 01, 2003

In communities of all sizes, United Arts Ffunds (UAF) are working to broaden the base of support for the arts, promote excellence in the arts and arts management, and to ensure that arts organizations are financially stable.

Author(s): Shue, Jordan
Date of Publication: Aug 01, 2017

Want to know the best ways to disseminate Arts & Economic Prosperity 5 data to businesses in your community? This tool-kit has hard data on the best ways to reach them, along with information on how the arts sector has used the report.

Author(s): Americans for the Arts
Date of Publication: Oct 01, 2012

Want to use our existing pARTnership Movement campaign in your area?We’ve made getting the word out as turn-key as possible. We’ve put together a "read me first" guide, which not only explains how to use the ads, but also how to leverage the campaign with op-ed ideas and social media extensions. Plus, you’ll find great links to help you build strategic alliances with the various arts-affiliated people and organizations.

Author(s): Americans for the Arts
Date of Publication: May 21, 2012

Arts organizations are partnering with businesses to help build employee engagement and enhance teamwork and combine right-brain imagination with left-brain logic. Learn how organizations across the country are making the case for arts-based training and creating new and innovative programs to work with businesses. This tool-kit will show you how to tap into these opportunities and develop lasting and mutually beneficial partnerships.

Author(s): Private Sector Initiatives Department
Date of Publication: Jun 01, 2012

Building business and arts partnerships is a two-way street. This tool-kit outlines the 8 Best Reasons for Businesses and the Arts to Partner, and provides case-making ideas to share with businesses. The toolkit outlines how partnering with the arts can address business challenges around employee engagement, marketing and brand share, and advancing corporate objectives related to social and community impact. This is a “how-to” primer with ideas, strategies, and research references to help you begin to establish local partnerships and explain the benefits of partnering with your

Author(s): Private Sector Initiatives Department
Date of Publication: Jan 01, 2014

Partnering with the business community no longer means just asking for money. Learn how to effectively talk to business leaders, marketing departments, human resource personnel and other decision makers within the business environment about how to develop mutually beneficial projects. This took-kit will provide information about how to engage and speak with business leaders regarding arts partnerships.

Author(s): Private Sector Initiatives Department
Date of Publication: Apr 01, 2012

Did you know that in 2009, 69 percent of business support for the arts came from businesses with annual revenues of less than $1 million dollars and that another 24 percent came from businesses with less than $50 million in annual revenue? And that 56 percent of the surveyed companies reported that they’d never been asked to support an arts organization? This tool-kit will show you how to tap into these opportunities and develop lasting and mutually beneficial partnerships with small and midsize businesses.

Author(s): Private Sector Initiatives Department
Date of Publication: Jan 01, 2015

Businesses often promote volunteerism as one of the key elements of employee engagement. Arts organizations are looking for ways to increase involvement with skilled volunteers. This tool-kit focuses on how volunteer programs can make employees feel more engaged on the job, learn new skills or improve their existing skills, and increase interaction between junior and senior employees, and how we can bring this information into conversations with corporate partners about designing Business Volunteers for the Arts® programs.

Author(s): Americans for the Arts
Date of Publication: May 01, 2015

Even in the current economy, businesses are still searching for innovative ways to recruit and retain employees. Programs that allow employees to bring their values to work are good investments. The arts are a wonderful catalyst that can help shift perceptions, embrace diversity, build team spirit, foster creative thinking and improve communication. This tool-kit will provide information on how and why the arts help engage employees.

Author(s): Private Sector Initiatives Department
Date of Publication: Jul 01, 2012

Volunteers are a critical component of any arts organization. From ushers to fundraising, to pro-bono consulting and board service, volunteers expand the capacity of a nonprofit. Volunteers also create an entry point for establishing a relationship with businesses. While this tool-kit focuses on skills-based volunteering, much of the advice is applicable to all types of volunteers. This tool-kit will provide information about how to more effectively engage skills-based volunteers.

Author(s): Shue, Jordan
Date of Publication: Feb 01, 2015

What is corporate social responsibility, and how can arts groups partner with businesses to acheive societal change, in addition to furthering the goals of a business and the mission of an organization? This tool-kit will give you all the answers to how arts groups can present their work as an integral piece of a company's CSR strategy.

Author(s): Shue, Jordan
Date of Publication: Jan 01, 2015

What is the most effective way to take data from the Creative Industries reports and turn it into a story appealing to the business community? This tool-kit has peer insights on the best ways to craft your message, along with information on how the arts sector has used the reports in local communities.

Author(s): Feczko, Margaret Mary; Kovacs, Ruth; and Mills, Carlotta R.
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1993

This Guide is intended as a starting point for grantseekers looking for foundation and corporate support in arts and culture. It contains entries for 3,840 grantmaking foundations and 302 direct corporate giving programs that have shown a substantial interest in arts and culture, either as part of their stated purpose or through the actual grants of $10,000 or more reported to the Foundation Center in the latest year of record. Grants in arts and culture are listed for 545 of the foundations in this volume. These 9,400 grants represent more than $707 million in support for a variety of

Author(s): Olson, Stan; Kovacs, Ruth; and Haile, Suzanne W.
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1989

This Guide is intended as a starting point for grantseekers looking for foundation and corporate support for the visual and performing arts, arts education, museums, film and video, architecture and historic preservation, humanities and classical studies, literature and writing, and public radio and television. It includes 3,358 entries representing various types of grantmakers: 2,168 independent foundations, 129 community foundations, 53 grantmaking operating foundations, 707 company-sponsored foundations, and 301 direct corporate giving programs. In all, the Guide covers 924 corporations

Author(s): Foundation Center
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1996

This groundbreaking study maps the dimensions and patterns of international giving by U.S. foundations in the 1990s, revealing dynamic growth in overseas funding and a dramatic shift in priorities tied to the end of the Cold War. The study examines more than 12,000 international grants made by 500 U.S. foundations and constructs a detailed picture of who makes grants, where the dollars go, and what the grants support. Examples include programs that promote sustainable development and the growth of civil society, preserve the world's cultural heritage, and protect human rights.

Author(s): Foundation Center
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1997

The 5th Edition of this volume provides essential facts on over 4,500 foundations, corporate direct giving programs, and public charities, each with a history of awarding grant dollars to higher education projects and institutions. Imagine the time you will save by having, in a single convenient source, a list of thousands of U.S. grantmakers that support higher education. The National Guide covers all the facts you need to bolster your target list of funding prospects:

Author(s): Foundation Center
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1996

The 4th Edition of this volume provides essential facts on over 950 foundations and corporate direct giving programs, all with a specific interest in the field of women and girls. You'll cut hours off your fundraising research time by having, in a single convenient volume, a list of grantmakers already interested in your subject field.

Author(s): Foundation Center
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1996

The 4th Edition of this volume provides essential facts on over 2,300 foundations and corporate direct giving programs, each with a history of awarding grant dollars to projects and institutions related to elementary and secondary education. You will cut hours off your fundraising research time by having, in a single volume, a list of grantmakers already interested in your subject field.

Author(s): Foundation Center
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1996

The 4th Edition of the National Guide provides essential facts on 600 foundations and corporate direct giving programs, each with a history of awarding grant dollars to libraries and other information centers. You will cut hours from your fundraising research time by having, in a single convenient volume, a list of grantmakers committed to your subject field.

Author(s): Foundation Center
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1996

The 4th Edition of the National Guide to Funding for Children, Youth and Families is an essential resource for fundraisers in the field. It features current, accurate data on over 3,400 foundations and corporate giving programs. The National Guide provides the data you need: Fact-filled portraits that provide easy access to address and contact name; financial data to help you determine giving potential; giving priorities and limitations; application guidelines, and the names of key officials. Descriptions of recent grants, often the surest indication of funding interests.

Author(s): Foundation Center
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1997

The 3rd Edition of the Guide to Greater Washington, D.C. Grantmakers provides accurate facts on over 1,100 D.C. grantmakers - foundations, corporate giving programs, and public charities. Grantmaker portraits include invaluable grantseeking facts: application address, financial data, giving limitations, and names of key officials. For the large foundations - those that give at least $50,000 in grants per year - the volume provides even more data, including application procedures and giving interest statements. The volume also features over 1,100 descriptions of recently awarded

Author(s): Foundation Center
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1997

The 1998 Edition of Foundation Giving provides a comprehensive overview of the latest trends in foundation grantmaking. The book also summarizes the broader history of the foundation world, documenting the growth and change of grantmaking from 1975 to the present. Over 100 easy-to-read tables and figures cover such topics as: foundation grants, assets and gifts received; the growth of foundation assets and grants and the number of foundations; subject focus of foundation grants, and geographic distribution of foundations and grants awarded.

Author(s): Foundation Center
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1996

It is a critical tool for grantseekers because it delivers the most comprehensive information available on the 1,000 wealthiest foundations in the country. The grantmakers covered in the 1997/1998 edition - 135 of which are new to this edition - hold over $168 billion in assets. They award close to 200,000 grants worth $8 billion to nonprofit organizations each year. If you plan to seek grants from these major funders, you can't afford to be without this singularly effective resource.

Author(s): Foundation Center
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1997

Each year the grantmakers featured in the National Guide to Funding in Substance Abuse award millions of dollars to non-profit organizations in your field. The new 2nd edition of the National Guide thoroughly prepares you for an informed grant search, providing all the facts you need to determine which of these funders are the most appropriate prospects for your organization.

Author(s): Renz, Loren and Massarsky, Cynthis W.
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1994

Certain foundations have developed an alternative financing approach - known as program-related investing - for supplying capital to the nonprofit sector. PRIs have been used to support community revitalization, low-income housing, microenterprise development, historic preservation, human services, and more.

Author(s): Foundation Center
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1996

A foundation's recently awarded grants provide an excellent indication of its future funding priorities. The Foundation Grants Index - the volume fundraisers have relied upon since 1970 - is the most current and accurate source of information on recent grantmaker awards. The Grants Index now covers the grantmaking programs of over 1,000 of the largest independent, corporate and community foundations in the U.S. and features over 73,000 grant descriptions in all.

Author(s): Foundation Center
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1994

A complete how-to guide, the Manual provides an essential resource for any organization that wants to classify foundation grants. The Manual includes a complete set of all classification codes to facilitate precise tracking of grants and recipients by subject, recipient type, and population categories. It also features a completely revised thesaurus to help identify the official term and codes that represent thousands of subject areas and recipient types in the Center's system of grants classification. (Publisher's catalog)

Author(s): Foundation Center
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1997

Foundations of the 1990s presents you with a unique way to increase your prospect list. It is designed for fundraisers who want to capitalize on the more than 8,500 independent, community and corporate foundations that have incorporated as grantmaking institutions in the U.S. in or after 1990. The emergence of these new foundations signifies substantial long-term growth in the field of foundation giving. Indeed, in 1995, the number of grantmaking foundations exceeded 40,000 for the first time, nearly doubling since 1980. Foundations of the 1990s collects these new,

Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1999

This report examines government and foundations as funding sources, with guidelines for writing grant proposals, marketing the arts organization and getting corporate sponsorships. Interspersed throughout the publication are web sites, samples of funders


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