Author(s): Japanese Chamber of Commerce and Industry of New York and Dentsu Burson-Martstellar
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1989

The primary purpose of this handbook is to get Japanese corporations and their Japanese executives in the U. S. more involved in the activities of the communities where they live and work. Another aim is to get Japanese and American executives at Japanese companies to work together on projects that are not directly related to the everyday business of their companies.

Author(s): Kendall, Elizabeth
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1982

This book is an informal account of how ballet came to America, how it evolved and became known, what the Ford Foundation did to help develop the professional resources of performance and training in ballet, and what it later did in modern dance. [p. 6].

Author(s): Americans for the Arts
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 2011

This data was compliled from three years worth of BCA National Survey of Business for the Arts research project conducted by Americans for the Arts.

Author(s): Business Committee for the Arts, Inc.
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 2000

This Business Committee for the Arts, Inc. report is an executive summary of results from a survey about business support to the arts. The survey was conducted during June and July 2001.

Author(s): Business Committee for the Arts, Inc.
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 2003

This Business Committee for the Arts, Inc. report is an executive summary of results from a survey about business support to the arts. 600 companies participated in this telephone survey which was conducted by Shugoll Research of Bethesda, Maryland during June and July 2004.

Author(s): Business Committee for the Arts, Inc.
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 2000

This Business Committee for the Arts, Inc. report examines results from a survey about business support to the arts. The survey was conducted during June and July 2001

Author(s): Business Committee for the Arts, Inc.
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 2003

This Business Committee for the Arts, Inc. report examines results from a survey about business support to the arts. 600 companies participated in this telephone survey which was conducted by Shugoll Research of Bethesda, Maryland during June and July 2004.

Author(s): Huebler, John
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1999

This briefing paper gives an overview of Alexis de Tocquevilles study of the American phenomenon of associationsン and offers a perspective on the philanthropic sector in the today that validates de Tocqueville's analysis.

Date of Publication: Dec 31, 2002

This study contrasts grantmaking by leading American foundations in the years 2001 (the most recent year for which comprehensive data were available) and 1990, the first full year after the Cold War.

Author(s): Renz, Loren
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1989

This seventh edition of Foundations Today brings together data drawn from the Center's publishing databases to provide a brief overview of the foundation world.

Author(s): Cuesta, Carlo M.; Gillespie, Dana M.; Lillis, Padraic
Date of Publication: Aug 31, 2005

This report summarizes findings from a McKnight Foundations study which examined the impact of the arts on the community and economic health of eight rural Minnesota towns.

Author(s): Welch, Nancy; Taylor, Suzanne; Valdivia, Walter; Gober, Patricia , Ph.D.; Walth, Dwight, D.M.A; Dallett, Nancy, Editors
Date of Publication: Aug 31, 2003

This report provides statistical data and analysis of resources and challenges impacting the arts and cultural sector in Maricopa County, Arizona along with comparative data of nine other benchmark regions to aid in understanding characteristics that affect arts and culture.

Author(s): Technology Partnership Practice and Battelle Memorial Institute, Editors
Date of Publication: Aug 31, 2003

This report presents the results of a benchmarking study conducted for the Maricopa Regional Task Force on Arts and Culture Force (representing Maricopa County, Arizona) to compare the approach being taken to support investment in arts and culture in nine peer and competitor regions.

Author(s): Jackson, Maria-Rosario, Ph.D.; Kabwasa-Green, Florence; Swenson, Daniel; Herranz, Joaquin, Jr.; Ferryman, Kadija; Atlas, Caron; Wallner, Eric; Rosenstein, Carole, Ph.D
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 2002

This report presents the overall findings of Investing in Creativity: A Study of the Support Structure for U.S. Artists a national study conducted by the Urban Institute and supported by a 38-member consortium of funders.

Author(s): Magat, Richard
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1978

This report originated in a request to me from the Board of Trustees of the Ford Foundation in the summer of 1975. The trustees, aware that there would be a change of leadership at the Foundation before 1980, wanted to make a running start in the process of planning for the future. Their first step was to make a study of the great national and international needs that might lie ahead in the next decade and a half, and where and how the Foundation might address them. They sought advice both within the Foundation and outside it, and they engaged in long discussions of their own.

Author(s): Rockefeller Panel
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1964

This report on the state of the performing arts in the United States is intended as a challenge, not an answer. Its purpose is to present a thoughtful assessment of the place of the performing arts in our national life and to identify the impediments to their greater welfare and to their wider enjoyment.

Author(s): The UPS Foundation
Date of Publication: May 31, 2000

This report is an update on the second year of the Volunteer Impact Initiative. It outlines specific volunteer mobilization and community impact achieved in the Initiatives second year and describes common strategies used by UPS Foundation grantees to effectively mobilize volunteers.

Author(s): LaHoud, John
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1976

This report is an overview of the development of American theatre with an emphasis on the professional resident theatre around the country with the beginning of Ford Foundation support in 1958.

Author(s): Association of Performing Arts Presenters
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1990

This report is a summary of workshop and general sessions from Controversy and collaboration: the search for community, the 34th annual conference of the Association of Performing Arts Presenters (APAP), held in New York City, December 14-17, 1990.

Author(s): Siegel, Beth; Kane, Michael; Becker, Beate; with Dimitrova, Ralitsa; Latner, Jonathan; Meneray, Gene; Nathan, Jeanne; Kristjanson, Zopari
Date of Publication: Jan 01, 2005

This report defines and analyzes Louisianas cultural economy and recommends strategies through which it can be developed.

Author(s): The Curb Center
Date of Publication: May 15, 2019

This report begins by redefining モcultural diplomacyヤ in light of current events, and then reviews the history and current state of cultural diplomacy efforts. Our report concludes by identifying key challenges, possible initiatives, and essential questions that, if engaged, can enable cultural institutions, government agencies, arts industries, policy makers, and private sector leaders to harness the global movement of our expressive life to advance our national goals.

Author(s): Wagner, Susan E.
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1977

This publication marks the first time that a significant number of corporations have agreed to the publication of specific details about their individual arts giving programs and policies. Through their participation, the 359 companies represented in this book have helped engineer an important communications breakthrough in a relationship long hampered by the constraints of anonymity and confidentiality; in so doing, they have demonstrated a sincerity of commitment which far outweighs, in many cases, the contributions they have outlined.

Author(s): Connor, Joseph A. and Kadel-Taras, Stephanie
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 2002

This publication is for funders who want to cultivate new grantmaking methods to help foster community problem solving.

Author(s): Abbott, Jon; Ellis, David W.; Hunter, Dan; McDermott, Charlie; McQueen, Ann; Nigreen, Bill; Peskin, Sarah, et al
Date of Publication: May 10, 2004

This publication is a result of a series of meetings held from April 2003 through March 2004 by the Cultural Task Force made up of leaders from the nonprofit, philanthropic, and corporate sectors whose job was to develop strategies that would enhance the revenues and resources available to Massachusetts’ nonprofit cultural organizations.

Author(s): Hayes, Denis; Morrison, Richard; Smith, Anna Deavere; Brown, Michael; Eigsti, Roger; Sparks, Yvonne; Dyson, Gene; Amidei, Nancy; Huffington, Arianna; Wofford, Harris; See Notes for additional authors
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1996

This publication documents the remarks from the Independent Sectors 1996 Annual Meeting, held in Seattle, Washington.

Author(s): McNicholas, Bernadette
Date of Publication: May 02, 2015

This paper presents research findings about the evolution of the relationship between arts and business, from arts sponsorship to different types of cultural partnerships.

Author(s): Yarmolinsky, Adam
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1972

This paper is intended to launch an inquiry by a private national citizens' commission into the situation of the non-profit sector of American society today, and the prospects for making that sector a more effective contributor to the educational, scientific and social needs of American society, both internally and in its interactions with other societies.

Author(s): Galaskiewicz, Joseph; Bulcroft, Richard; and Rauschenbauch, Barbara
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1978

This paper examines various linkages between 34 corporations and 55 cultural organizations in the Minneapolis-St. Paul metropolitan area. Theoretically the interface between these two types of organizations is viewed as an exchange where the different parties secure needed resources from one another. Cultural organizations are basically after funds, while business firms are after status. We will argue that the board interlock is the key device which facilitates this exchange. We find that cultural organizations more dependent on the local community for funds are more central in the board

Author(s): Foundation Center
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1985

This pamphlet is a listing of grants given by most of the larger foundations. It includes 433 grants from 91 foundations with a total value of $46,387,236. It covers grants to universities, colleges, institutes, and educational associations and societies for international education, domestic research, and studies abroad.

Author(s): Americans for the Arts
Date of Publication: Jan 01, 2012

This one pager shows trends in private sector charitable gifts to the arts, culture, and humanities from 1998-2012. The data is from The Center on Philanthropy at Indiana University, Giving USA 2012 with analysis by Americans for the Arts.


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