Tennessee Arts Commission Offering Grants for Registration to Americans for the Arts' Annual Convention

Individuals and organizations in Tennessee - Grant Deadline is May 12!

Thursday, April 24, 2014


The Tennessee Arts Commission is offering grants to Tennessee-based arts organizations and individuals for Americans for the Arts' Annual Convention in Nashville, Tennessee this June 12 - 15.

Atlanta Raises $75,000 for Mural Arts Program

Monday, May 26, 2014


Jane Golden, artist and Executive Director of Philadelphia's Mural Arts Program, recently talked to Metro Atlanta LINK, the planning agency for the 10 county Atlanta metropolitan region, to show how the arts can help address an urban area’s most intractable problems and bring creative energy to a city’s streets and its walls. Philadelphia's Mural Arts Program was first implemented in 1986.

Ms. Ronia Holmes

Contextual marketing: It’s all about that database

Posted by Ms. Ronia Holmes, Oct 23, 2015

Ms. Ronia Holmes

Data. The word casts an attentive hush on any crowd gathered in a subdivided hotel ballroom. Data. The solution to every problem, the key to unlocking the secrets of the universe, the alpha and the omega, the Holy Grail. Data. It will make your marketing smarter, faster, better.

Well, yes and no. There are variables to whether or not your data-driven marketing strategies are good ones. One of those variables is the “heftiness” of your data, and the “heftiness” of your data depends on the source(s).

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Ms. Surale E. Phillips

5 Tips for Starting a Survey Project

Posted by Ms. Surale E. Phillips, Oct 22, 2015

Ms. Surale E. Phillips

It’s no surprise that my #NAMPC coaching sessions about creating surveys are always filled. When it comes to surveying, you, like most people, probably have the most trouble with simply getting started. These five tips should help you, if you do them in order.

1.Set your objectives.

What’s the real purpose of your survey? Your first step should always be getting clear on what your results will be used for and who will use them. Questions to ask yourself:

Will results be used internally or externally?

What decisions can be made based on your survey results?

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Mr. Shane Jewell

Marketing the Classical Arts in A Modern World

Posted by Mr. Shane Jewell, Oct 21, 2015

Mr. Shane Jewell

Remember the good old days of marketing? When a catchy phrase and a few colors were all you needed? When dancing popcorn and soda would convince you that you did, in fact, need a treat from the lobby? Those days are long gone. Modern marketing is a battlefield, a war for attention. Rest, even for a moment, and you’re lost in a sea of digital combatants. Sure, there is room for error because enough information is being pushed out all of the time that your mistakes will most likely be forgotten. Or will they?

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Amelia Northrup-Simpson

Contextual marketing: back to the future

Posted by Amelia Northrup-Simpson, Oct 21, 2015

Amelia Northrup-Simpson

Are you a contextual marketer? Probably.

Chances are, you’re doing some form of contextual marketing already. If you’re a marketer, you’ve made some effort to understand your patrons and match their needs to what you’re offering.

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Ms. Allison M. Tyra

Just Keep Smiling: Presenting Ticket Increases with Positivity

Posted by Ms. Allison M. Tyra, Oct 21, 2015

Ms. Allison M. Tyra

While visiting my family in Indianapolis this year, I learned that the excellent Indianapolis Museum of Art admission would now be $18 for adults, $10 for youths ages 6 to 17. This doesn't seem like terribly much - until you realize that it had been free for several years. 

Admittedly, the IMA has been addressing financial issues since losing about $100 million - approximately a third of its endowment - in the 2008 financial crisis.

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Ms. Cath Hume

Agile: The Holy Grail or Just another Buzzword?

Posted by Ms. Cath Hume, Oct 20, 2015

Ms. Cath Hume

The Arts Marketing Association (AMA) has spent the last two years encouraging the best digital marketers in the UK cultural sector to work in an agile way. But is it truly beneficial for busy marketers to build experimentation into their daily practice?

The Digital Marketing Academy (DMA) is an entirely virtual learning programme that brings together the best digital marketing experts in the UK arts and cultural sector with a host of amazing international mentors.

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Mr. Damian Bazadona

Winning the Talent War

Posted by Mr. Damian Bazadona, Oct 20, 2015

Mr. Damian Bazadona

Every empty seat in a theatre isn't simply lost revenue; it's a lost opportunity to tackle one of the biggest challenges we can expect to face in the arts and culture business today - talent development.

I am not an expert by any means on the process or state of arts funding in America, but I can clearly see the dysfunction in our government at all levels. In today’s education system, there is a significant lack of equity regarding access to a quality arts education, often due to the location of the school. 

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Mr. Yosaif Cohain

Your users are telling you so much. Are you listening?

Posted by Mr. Yosaif Cohain, Oct 20, 2015

Mr. Yosaif Cohain

Your users are telling you that your website is broken. They’re telling you what content they like and what they don’t. They tell you who they are and what they need. They’re even telling you how to prioritize your web initiatives. You have their stories and the ability to listen to them. Those stories, of course, are contained in your data.

Web analytics is often defined and accepted as measurement and reporting – numbers that tell us about traffic volumes and website performance. Although measurement is one of the more powerful components of digital (the ability to cheaply measure things in fine detail, with high accuracy, and in a real-time basis should not be overlooked), that on its own does not define analytics.

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Mr. David M. Dombrosky

Contextual Marketing: There's a New King in Town

Posted by Mr. David M. Dombrosky, Oct 19, 2015

Mr. David M. Dombrosky

Context is king.  I know, I know.  You thought content was king. Nope, it’s context.

It’s an honest mistake.  Content is incredibly important to arts marketing.  But context makes sure that we’re getting the right message (and content) to the right patrons via the right medium at the right time.

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Shoshana Fanizza

Audiencentric Execution for the Future!

Posted by Shoshana Fanizza, Oct 19, 2015

Shoshana Fanizza

The theme for this year's NAMP Conference is Lift Off! We will be exploring a variety of new techniques and technologies for audience building and obtaining more overall support of our organizations and the arts in general. Before we can Lift Off!, it is wise to look back over the year-to-date and see what has been occurring in order to create our checklist to get ready for Lift Off!

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