Ms. Sally Gaskill

Reflections of an Arts Administrator on her Umpteenth Americans for the Arts Convention

Posted by Ms. Sally Gaskill, Jun 21, 2011

Ms. Sally Gaskill

Sally Gaskill

My first convention was in 1983 or 1984 in Hartford, when the then National Assembly of Local Arts Agencies met with the National Assembly of State Arts Agencies. (Those were not only the pre-digital years, but the period when the acronyms – NALAA and NASAA - were more in alignment.)

I was a fresh-faced community development coordinator for the New Hampshire State Council on the Arts. I remember what a rush it was to meet people like me from all over the country.

We did communicate back then – there were telephones, and we actually wrote letters and posted them in the mail – but there sure wasn’t Facebook or Twitter to keep us in touch with each other by the minute. So meeting up at convention was a big deal.

As the years have passed, I have been a frequent attendee of these annual meetings. Americans for the Arts has always been my home, because my work in arts administration has been grounded in community arts.

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Nation’s United Arts Funds Raise $77.3 Million in 2018

Monday, April 22, 2019

Arts Alliance Tulsa Mural 2017

United Arts Funds are private organizations that raise money for the arts, work to broaden support for the arts, encourage arts attendance and participation, promote excellence in the arts and arts management, and ensure that arts organizations are financially stable.

Americans for the Arts Joins International Sculpture Day

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

1.8 Beijing by Janet Echelman

Began in 2015 by the International Sculpture Center, IS Day is an annual celebration event held worldwide to further the ISC’s mission of advancing the creation and understanding of sculpture and its unique, vital contribution to society.


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