Join us to learn about the recently approved Fixing America's Surface Transportation (FAST) Act impacting federally funded transit projects. During this virtual conversation, Americans for the Arts staff will review our current understanding of the changes to arts transit projects and participants will be invited to join the conversation and share feedback on how these changes may impact their local programs.

In this brief and self-paced mini-lesson, brush up and test your knowledge on the basics of Public Art administration.

Americans for the Arts' Public Art Programs and Private Sector Initiatives Department are launching a blog and webinar series to explore the private sector view of the importance of public art. Through this series, we seek to highlight the role public art can play in private sector work and share stories from the private sector for public art professionals to reference as they connect with businesses in their communities.

The final webinar in the current trends series will explore the cross-section of public art and arts education. This webinar will bring together expert practitioners to examine the intersection of the fields, discuss the shared language and begin to synthesis strategies to work towards shared outcomes. In this webinar you will learn about successful projects and processes for artists, administrators and educators working in this space.


Michele Cohen, Curator, Federal Government

Are you thinking of instituting a private development policy? Interested in learning more about what has worked for other programs? This 60-minute webinar will cover the basics of how to develop and institute a "public art for private development" requirement in your community. Hear from experts in the field on what to consider, how to recognize when the time is right for implementation, and what resources are available for researching other communities’ polices and ordinances.

Public art always had a broad definition, but how does street art fit into this field? Recently, more and more cities and towns have been embracing street art as a community-based initiative in an effort to develop a visual voice for their neighborhoods or districts. Public art programs have begun to develop around or support these community-based forms of expression. In this 60-minute webinar you will learn why street art has become more socially accepted and how in some areas it has developed into coordinated public art programs.

What is creative placemaking?  What is public art?  How do the two combined create vibrant public spaces that are engaging, often interactive and transform communities? This webinar will provide an introduction to developing enduring, creative places that incorporate retail, street life, andboth temporary and permanent public art for all to enjoy. We will discuss the lesson plans of each webinar in the series and the resources and tools participants will learn and apply to creative placemaking and public art projects in their communities.

In this webinar we will hear from art and transportation experts who will review current MAP-21 legislation outlining transportation enhancement funding. Presenters will cover a range of project types that serve as models for implementation in your community.

When public art administrators are asked to make the case for their program, it is beneficial for them to look at both the economic and social impact of the artworks within the larger urban, social and cultural context. Is there a reliable framework that can be the basis of good public art evaluation? And what are some simple yet effective evaluation methods that public art programs can implement? These questions and more will be addressed in Americans for the Arts' ongoing work in measuring the impact of public art.

Because of the popularity of the social engagement session at the 2012 Americans for the Arts convention's Public Art Pre-Conference, we are offering the opportunity to continue the conversation with this webinar. Outstanding speakers from the pre-conference session will be joined by new voices to discuss strategic and tactical approaches for engaging communities and how public art programs can support artists who do socially engaged work.

What art controversy are you dealing with this week? Is your program or public art project dealing with media uproar and public backlash? Is content, form, and even color of the artwork escalating the outcry?  Who has your back? These issues are just the tip of the iceberg for many art programs and professionals implementing public art and highly visible art programs. Learn from arts experts how to prevent crisis, quell controversy and advocate for all art.

Two project managers and two artists discuss building successful relationships and developing skills sets that lead to the best art project while cultivating creative thinking and problem solving. Public art professionals at all levels of experience are encouraged to register.

Increasingly, various levels of government are demanding that new and retrofitted public buildings and urban infrastructure meet green standards. Through case studies and policy examples we will cover fundamental approaches for integrating art that makes green technologies visible into the design and construction of green buildings, as well as public infrastructure.

One of the necessities of creating a work of public art is a legal and binding agreement between the artist and commissioning body. We will discuss the complications and compromises of contracts. - See more at:

Through case studies and project examples, participants will learn the nuts and bolts of creating public art for their communities. The 90-minute webinar will discuss the context of placing artwork in the public realm including the politics of building a stakeholder base, agency partnerships and advocacy strategies.  Instructors will explore different funding and program structural models, including percent-for-art ordinances, master plans, and artist selection processes.

Participants will learn the basic "nuts and bolts" of the field of public art. The 90-minute webinar will cover some of the unique skills required for art-making in the public realm including an overview of public art and the public realm, project examples, programs, funding, implementation and resources for further study. Two case studies will be presented which explore the experiences of two artists who have transitioned from the studio/gallery to the public realm.


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