Digital Marketing and Social Media

Mr. Sean King

Arts Marketing Trends A-Z: 2019 Edition

Posted by Mr. Sean King, Dec 18, 2018

Mr. Sean King

As we close the book on 2018 and open a new edition for 2019, the world of arts marketing and marketing in general continues its furious pace. What trends we should be keeping an eye on for the coming year?

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Julie Fossitt

Should You Be Letting It Go?

Posted by Julie Fossitt, Oct 19, 2018

Julie Fossitt

As I was preparing for my presentation at the upcoming National Arts Marketing Project Conference, I interviewed a number of bloggers, digital media experts, marketers, and influencers to get their take on the highs and lows of using social influencers to promote your products and experiences. 

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Fran Hanold

Social Media in an Arts Marketer’s Promotional Toolkit

Posted by Fran Hanold, Oct 19, 2018

Fran Hanold

Social media has become a bona fide and critical component of the customer path to purchase—and arts marketers are taking advantage, successfully using social media to make their organizations more relatable, promote upcoming shows or exhibits, and gain memberships with special announcements and behind-the-scenes content.

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John Hawthorne

6 Ways Millennials are Changing Charitable Giving

Posted by John Hawthorne, Jun 15, 2017

John Hawthorne

Data shows that millennials are just as generous as previous generations. But when it comes to how they give, their means and methods are significantly different.

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Mr. Drew McManus

Should Links Open in Same or New Windows/Tabs?

Posted by Mr. Drew McManus, May 18, 2017

Mr. Drew McManus

To determine when links should open in the same or new windows/tabs, let's approach the question from a contemporary web environment.

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Juliet Ramirez

Creating the Right Visual Hierarchy for Your Website

Posted by Juliet Ramirez, May 11, 2017

Juliet Ramirez

The ugly truth is: over the past 15 years, our patience has decreased. If you structure your web content into logical patterns, the chance of the average visitor leaving your site will decrease!

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Ms. Ceci Dadisman

How to Create A “Dark Post” On Facebook

Posted by Ms. Ceci Dadisman, Feb 16, 2017

Ms. Ceci Dadisman

Arts marketers, have you ever experimented with so-called “dark posts” on Facebook? There are lots of ways to use them to your advantage!

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Shoshana Fanizza

My Arts Utopia

Posted by Shoshana Fanizza, Mar 04, 2013

Shoshana Fanizza

What will the arts look like in the future?  How will technology and engagement push us closer to the ideal management of our arts businesses?

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Mrs. Amanda Bohan

Seven Starters to Create an Effective Social Media Strategy

Posted by Mrs. Amanda Bohan, Jul 31, 2013

Mrs. Amanda Bohan

With new platforms popping up on a regular basis, establishing an effective social media marketing plan can be overwhelming.

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Mr. Caleb Custer

Getting Your Landing Pages Mobile Ready for 2014

Posted by Mr. Caleb Custer, Jan 14, 2014

Mr. Caleb Custer

By most counts, mobile views overtook desktop views in email sometime in 2012.

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Mr. Eric Winick

Directing the Conversation: Anticipation and Harnessing the Power of NEW

Posted by Mr. Eric Winick, Feb 03, 2014

Mr. Eric Winick

In the theater, there is value in new work. In both the art and the nature of “new,” there’s excitement in the process of discovery, risk, and reward.

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Nina Simon

What I Learned from Beck (the rock star) about Participatory Arts

Posted by Nina Simon, Apr 25, 2014

Nina Simon

In December of 2012, the rock musician Beck released his latest album, Song Reader. Song Reader didn't come as a CD, or an LP, or a bunch of digital audio files.

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Mr. Christopher Williams

Oh Snap! What Arts Marketers Need to Know About Snapchat

Posted by Mr. Christopher Williams, Sep 12, 2016

Mr. Christopher Williams

As Snapchatters make their way around our cities, attending performances in our venues and viewing exhibitions in our museums, they’re Snapping and sharing those experiences in the moment.

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Karina Mangu Ward

Multimedia Storytelling: An Innovative Audience Engagement Tool

Posted by Karina Mangu Ward, Jul 18, 2012

Karina Mangu Ward

If you want to capture the attention of your audience, great media is essential. But producing video can be expensive and photos often don't tell the whole story.

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Ron Evans

Thoughts on the Psychology of Social Media

Posted by Ron Evans, Jul 02, 2012

Ron Evans

I thought it might be useful to get away from all of the technical aspects of using social media, and talk about the human side. The interaction side. The “what happens in the brain” side.

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Ms. Meri Jenkins

Technology May be the Engine; People are the Fuel

Posted by Ms. Meri Jenkins, Jun 20, 2012

Ms. Meri Jenkins

Technology provide instanat access to a pethora of information. So I wonder, does it matter that these transactions involve no person-to-person exchange?

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Ms. Ceci Dadisman

Five Rules for Arts Organization Websites

Posted by Ms. Ceci Dadisman, Apr 04, 2012

Ms. Ceci Dadisman

We can always make our websites better. Here are some rules to help arts organization websites be the best that they can be.

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Amelia Northrup-Simpson

The Social Media—Database Connection

Posted by Amelia Northrup-Simpson, Oct 04, 2011

Amelia Northrup-Simpson

The cardinal rule of communications is “know your audience”.  But on social media, it’s sometimes easier said than done.

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Lisa Niedermeyer

Video Production: A Practical Guide for Arts Marketers

Posted by Lisa Niedermeyer, Jul 20, 2011

Lisa Niedermeyer

When you have clearly identified that your arts organization needs to out-source video in order to accomplish a specific goal, what questions should you ask when you pick up the phone and call a video production company?

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Brian Reich

Shift and Reset

Posted by Brian Reich, Jul 01, 2011

Brian Reich

I say it all the time, but it bears repeating: Our society has changed – dramatically – over the past few decades.

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Peter Corbett

Non-traditional Social Ideas for Marketing Your Venue and Performances

Posted by Peter Corbett, Apr 11, 2011

Peter Corbett

These emerging platforms are meant to be inexpensive and lightweight to produce, yet have impact that can be felt at the box office in terms of lifting brand awareness for the organization.

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Lisa Niedermeyer

Communicating the Message : Using Online Video as a Tool

Posted by Lisa Niedermeyer, Nov 30, 2010

Lisa Niedermeyer

How are we engaging our audiences, how we are communicating our messages, how we are raising money, and how we are using technology to do it. With YouTube currently ranking as the #2 search engine in the world, this means many of us are using online video as a tool.

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