Digital Marketing and Social Media

Mr. Ceylon Narvelle Mitchell

NAMPC Newbie Takeaways

Posted by Mr. Ceylon Narvelle Mitchell, Dec 11, 2019

Mr. Ceylon Narvelle Mitchell

The 2019 National Arts Marketing Project Conference in Miami, FL was my first arts administration conference and I had a wonderful time! As an individual artist cultivating diverse audiences as well as an entrepreneur serving clients across the arts ecosystem, #NAMPC was the most ideal professional development for both my artistic and administrative growth. 

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Krisi Packer

Your Fans Don't Care How Excited You Are (and Other Lessons on Social Media Authenticity)

Posted by Krisi Packer, Jul 10, 2019

Krisi Packer

The digital landscape is crowded, and with human attention spans coming in at 8.25 seconds (yes, that’s shorter than the attention span of a goldfish), arts marketers need to create content that not only stands out but also helps them connect with their audiences.

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Ceci Dadisman, Mark Cardwell, Beth Prevor, and Rob Maguire talk about their greatest challenges as arts marketers and why they’re looking forward to this year’s National Arts Marketing Project Conference.

National Arts Marketing Project Kicks Off Second Pennsylvania Cohort

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Americans for the Arts, the leading organization for advancing the arts and arts education in America, is pleased to announce the second cohort of the Arts Marketing and Audience Engagement in the 21st Century: Building the Capacity of Pennsylvania’s Cultural Sector, a new, five-year initiative to strengthen and advance the arts marketing and audience engagement skills of Pennsylvania-based arts and cultural professionals. 

How to Sell on Instagram

Do you want to use Instagram as a revenue stream?

Friday, November 25, 2016


Jasmine Star shares how to sell your products and services via Instagram. You’ll discover the advantages of using Instagram for selling.

Facebook’s Snapchat Envy Shows In Its New Stories And Camera

Like Instagram, WhatsApp, and Messenger before it, Facebook is co-opting Snap’s bright ideas and trying to make them its own

Tuesday, April 18, 2017


For years now, Mark Zuckerberg has been confidently predicting that within half a decade, video will become the dominant form of content that folks share on Facebook. That expectation has led to features such as Facebook Live video streaming. But when it comes to encouraging people to share, the app’s primary call to action–the question “What’s on your mind?” and a text field–has continued to emphasize words over visuals.

One Ring to Convert Them All: Using Topical Events to Turn New Prospects into Single Ticket Buyers

Getting the right message to the right people at the right time. But what does that actually look like in practice?

Wednesday, March 15, 2017


Did you know the average human attention span is 8.25 seconds? That’s less than a goldfish. Let that sink in for just a minute.

Luxury Brands: 4 Secrets To Marketing In The Digital Age

Today’s consumer is simultaneously a curator and a virtual artist.

Friday, March 17, 2017


As head of a digital marketing agency that works with high-end luxury brands, here are some of the key lessons I’ve learned and the four rules you can apply to grow your own brand.


How to Run LinkedIn Ad Campaigns: A Beginner's Guide

LinkedIn is a highly valuable tool to network with like-minded professionals.

Thursday, February 16, 2017


LinkedIn is a highly valuable tool to network with like-minded professionals. But here's something we don't talk about as much as we should -- it's also a highly useful marketing platform.

36 Useful Apps and Online Tools for Nonprofits


The number of low-cost or free apps and online tools available to nonprofits today is astounding. Provided you set aside the time to explore and experiment, your nonprofit can use the apps and tools listed below to significantly improve your web, email, social media, and visual content.


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