Resources for Individual Artists

How to Sell on Instagram

Do you want to use Instagram as a revenue stream?

Friday, November 25, 2016


Jasmine Star shares how to sell your products and services via Instagram. You’ll discover the advantages of using Instagram for selling.

36 Useful Apps and Online Tools for Nonprofits


The number of low-cost or free apps and online tools available to nonprofits today is astounding. Provided you set aside the time to explore and experiment, your nonprofit can use the apps and tools listed below to significantly improve your web, email, social media, and visual content.

Author(s): David N. Schmitz
Date of Publication: 2010

This research paper provides an overview of how U.S foundations and nonprofit organizations that provide direct support for individual artists have developed practices and strategies that radically depart from the principles of traditional scientific philanthropy.  Primary consideration is given to the frameworks of ‘new philanthropy’ and ‘creative philanthropy’ as they are established in an extensive literature review.


Author(s): Valdez, Mark; Korza, Pam
Date of Publication: Jan 01, 2017

The Performing Artist Companion to Animating Democracy’s framework, Aesthetic Perspectives: Attributes of Excellence in Arts for Change, offers ideas and insights to help performing artists and performance companies apply the framework to address their needs and interests.  Aesthetic Perspectives aims to enhance understanding and evaluation of creative work at the intersection of arts and community/civic engagement, community development, and justice. It offers 11 artistic attributes that elevate aesthetics in civically and socially engaged art, expand the

Author(s): Salesforce
Date of Publication: Jul 07, 2017

This infographic focuses on the 8 key skills marketers must have according to Salesforce.

Author(s): Walker, Chris and Sherwood, Kay
Date of Publication: May 01, 2003

"Many arts organizations are discovering that where people choose to attend arts and cultural events can be crucial to developing effective strategies for reaching broader and more diverse audiences. New research finds that more people attend arts and cultural events in community venues--such as open air spaces, schools, and places of worship--than in conventional arts venues, such as concert halls, theaters, museums, and art galleries. Although audiences for events held in both types of venues overlap, about one-fourth of the people who participate in arts and culture do so only in

Author(s): Jones, Sarah & Wenglowskyj, Andrea
Date of Publication: Jan 01, 2017

If you’ve downloaded this guide, chances are that you’re an artist or creative entrepreneur who might feel one or all of the following:

  • †Inadequate at articulating what you do (your brand) in person, in writing, and online
  • Overwhelmed with balancing making work, marketing, business and life
  • †A strong need to make more money from your art or creative work, and get the major opportunities that will propel your career further

Author(s): Simonet, Andrew
Date of Publication: May 15, 2019

Thank you for choosing this life which can be hard. And hard to explain.

Author(s): Sala, Maria-Mercedes, Editor
Date of Publication: Jan 01, 2002

Guide dealing with the relationship between successful marketing of crafts and visual arts, and the appropriate use of intellectual property (IP) system instruments - points to situations where obtaining formal IP protection ought to be considered; explains how to implement marketing and IP strategies within a business framework and marketing management process; presents case studies and examples of managing IP assets in marketing from the craft and visual arts sectors in developing countries; includes bibliographical references (pages 134–135).

Author(s): Botti, Simona
Date of Publication: May 15, 2019

This article examines the role of marketing in the arts. Reflecting on the issue requires an understanding of both the meaning of artistic value and its diffusion process. Artistic value can be seen as a flow potential embedded in a product that may or may not be recognized by those who encounter it.

Author(s): Grant, Daniel
Date of Publication: Jul 31, 2004

The subject of art, copyright protection and the Internet are explored in this article.

On this NAMP Ignite Talk, see how the project “Drawing Lines” used the arts to open conversations about the role art plays in exploring notions of place and in bringing together communities of people.

Marketing for artists is extremely important, but sometimes artists don’t know what to do or where to start.

Andrea Wenglowskyj

Sara Jones

The heart of your personal brand as an artist? Specificity.

Posted by Andrea Wenglowskyj, Sara Jones, Mar 16, 2017

Andrea Wenglowskyj

Sara Jones

Artists, we know you work hard, but are not always the most extroverted or business-savvy people. Yet you are expected to do it all.

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Lisa Phillips

The Starving Artist Syndrome & How to Cure It

Posted by Lisa Phillips, Jan 13, 2017

Lisa Phillips

Working in both arts and marketing/business, I've noticed a disconnect between the desire for artists to become successful and earn a living with their art and how they think about their craft as a business.

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Ms. Deborah Obalil

Marketing and the Independent Artist

Posted by Ms. Deborah Obalil, Mar 05, 2014

Ms. Deborah Obalil

Today's independent artists, recognize marketing is something they need to concern themselves with, but they often don't understand how to go about incorporating it into already demanding schedules.

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Ms. Nancy Hytone Leb

Who am I, Anyway? Deciphering Your Personal Brand

Posted by Ms. Nancy Hytone Leb, Jun 06, 2012

Ms. Nancy Hytone Leb

For many artists, thinking of themselves as a business entity brings about a shudder or two.

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Mr. Peter Colon

Artist Portfolios: What Are These Things? How Can I Make Mine Shine?

Posted by Mr. Peter Colon, Oct 12, 2010

Mr. Peter Colon

Artist portfolios are an integral method of displaying an artist’s spectrum of visual work. Your portfolio contains important information that is instrumental in the evaluations and reviews the artist receives.

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