Have we grown obsessed with the idea of the "creative economy"? Creativity was not always the buzzword that is is today--but historically, prioritizing "creativity," while always important to us, has never been quite so linguistically relevant.

Would a coke be anything but a cola if it were not for the red can and logo? The value of smart, audience savvy branding is hardly questioned, but we often struggle to understand why we hold such attachment or high valuations of certain brands.

In the marketing world, networking is everything: it's essential for personal career advancement as well as business development. If you're an introvert, it can be difficult to face the necessity of networking in today's business world. Learn how to take steps to make the process a little easier.

When it comes to constantly changing social media platforms, it helps to have a set of rules to follow in order to stay ahead of the game. Read up on some guidelines to help keep your social media presence sharp and consistent.

Image courtesy of Sarah Reid via Flickr

Analytics can be a daunting thing for marketers who are more keen on the arts than the sciences. However, it can also be an essential tool for arts marketers to reinvent themselves in the digital marketing world. Read up on how marketers have been putting big data to good use, and how you can too.

Image courtesy of Blue Fountain Media via Flickr

It doesn't matter the size of your business: branding matters, and there's a strategy to it. And before you can start proudly offering your services and products, you need to figure out that branding strategy first. Where do you start? Read on to find out.

As marketers, deciding where to delegate our time and resources when it comes to our online and digital channels can be hit-or-miss. Find out which channels to use in order to consistently hit the mark on conversion rates.

What good is all the hard work put into white papers if they're illegible and unpleasant to look at? Make sure you present your best content in the best way. Read on to learn more about the visual presentation of white papers.

The world cup was not only a month-long tournament of football excellence from around the world--it was also a marketing extravaganza, with ads and experiences focused on international audiences and a tremendous scope of cultural identities. Here are a few takeaways on how advertisers hit the mark, or missed entirely, with millenials, latinos, and disadvantaged soccer fans the world over.

Email campaigns with patrons and customers are critical to success but it can prove difficult to understand the full-impact of your email marketing strategy. This breakdown of what to look for in Google Analytics reports can help shed some light on your click-through rates and email traffic so you can better optimize your e-blasts.
