SHELLEY BERNSTEIN lives with her computer. Most days she hunkers down in her spartan office at the Brooklyn Museum where, as chief technology officer, she invents ways to keep people visiting the museum and its Web site,

Every night she bicycles home to the Red Hook section of Brooklyn to be with Teddy, her beloved pit bull, and monitors the institution’s presence on Facebook, Flickr, YouTube, Four Square and Twitter, where it has nearly 183,000 followers.

Like so many small business people these days I suppose, I am getting my feet wet with social media. I have a Facebook account and am getting involved in LinkedIn which I like a lot. That all said, I am not sure it is worth all of the effort. How can I tell?

Marketing is surely the most complex, yet the crucial part of any business; and unlike many management techniques or strategies, you cannot imitate the marketing strategies of others – because what works for one, might not work for you, and what doesn’t work for others might start working for you. Businesses spend so much on marketing and innovation but even highly innovative and some of the most extravagant marketing plans will sometime, fall flat.

New research is adding a Twittery flavor to the old adage "birds of a feather flock together," because it suggests happy twitterers tend to aggregate. Does this have implications for PR-related tweeters?

One day last summer, Jared Hecht’s fiancée was complaining that she had no good way to coordinate her friends in real time at a Red Rocks music festival. Jared called up my friend, Steve, and said, "How do we make this possible?” A week later Hecht and  Steve Martocci had built a prototype of their group texting service, GroupMe, at a 24-hour hackathon.

‘Catch them young’ is thought to be the secret motto of all companies and brands, but as their activity proves, they are not only establishing strong ties with younger consumers from early years of their life to make them used to buying a particular product, but also support their creativity, encourage to develop eco-friendly attitude, and start making contributions to the world though participating in a range of social projects devised or supported by brands.
