Pierre M. Omidyar and Peter B. Lewis are in many ways opposites. Mr. Omidyar, the founder of eBay, is shy, soft-spoken, and formal, while Mr. Lewis, who made Progressive Insurance into the powerhouse it is today, bluntly speaks his mind and revels in stopping people midsentence by taking off his prosthetic leg during meetings.

On Friday, if you had friended the Delaware Art Museum on Facebook, you'd have seen a post inviting you to pick the winner of a pirate duel: the storm-braving "Flying Dutchman" or the dandy in "The Buccaneer was a Picturesque Fellow."

Using QR codes: After downloading one of many available QR code smartphone apps, here are some simple steps on how to use it. A wealth of information can be found through the little black-and-white boxes that make up a QR code. The only tool needed to access the information is a smartphone with a QR reader application.

Foursquare business pages are no longer limited to large brands with the money and clout to buy Foursquare’s limited and in-demand dev resources. Business pages are now self-serve, Foursquare announced Tuesday.

What’s the kiss of death for every fundraiser? Don't talk too much: it's the kiss of death! What can you do to absolutely ensure that you’ve turned your donor off? To be sure the donor never wants to hear from you again?

Most artists want nothing to do with numbers, and they certainly don't want their work quantified in a spreadsheet. But several data pioneers are working to convince the city's art community that number-crunching isn't only a crucial tool-—it's got sex appeal.

First there’s the official letter from the office. On letterhead. Specifying the donor name(s) and indicating the gift amount. Including the requisite IRS language. Typically signed by the CEO or the board chair.

In We First I contend that purposeful engagement represents an enormous opportunity for brands in the social business marketplace. But exactly how does a brand do this? And in what ways can they engage their employees so that they not only earn goodwill with their customers, but also inspire their employees to promote their companies with pride?

The audience is central to much of what a museum does, and visitor surveys and audience segmentation have over the past decade improved our understanding of the people who walk through our doors.

A common assumption that isn't necessarily true is that an extroverted "people person" is the best type of networker. While an extroverted person might be better at meeting new people, someone who's more introverted can be better at the second part of business networking--communicating his or her ideas and forming meaningful relationships.
