
How to Sell on Instagram

Do you want to use Instagram as a revenue stream?

Friday, November 25, 2016


Jasmine Star shares how to sell your products and services via Instagram. You’ll discover the advantages of using Instagram for selling.

Are You Pricing Dynamically?

Dynamic Pricing is All the Rage

Wednesday, May 3, 2017


Dynamic pricing involves adjusting prices as patterns of demand unfold, raising prices and/or increasing the amount of inventory at particular prices when demand is strong.  Some organisations also use dynamic pricing to reduce prices to stimulate sales when there is strong demand at lower prices, but little demand at higher prices.  In either case, planning your changes in advance is key to a successful strategy, but more importantly a strategy focused on dynamic pricing alone misses much of the potential opportunity to be realised from pricing.

Museums Are The Biggest Job Creator You’ve Never Heard Of

OK museums, it’s time to talk money.

Friday, March 17, 2017


Government funding to museums is being cut in many countries. It’s often seen as a ‘soft’ money-saving option, more palatable and re-election safe than cutting hospital staff or free school meals. Even as a museophile, I can’t deny that museums seem less essential than hospitals, schools, or roads.

Author(s): Shapiro, Phyllis, Editor
Date of Publication: Nov 01, 1999

"The Charlotte MSO today is led by a senior marketing executive with a full-time staff of 10 plus one part-time employee and a commissioned sales representative. The mission of the MSO is to improve the overall quality of marketing, increase revenues and build audiences for each of the four participating organizations — Opera Carolina, Charlotte Repertory Theatre, North Carolina Dance Theatre (NCDT) and the North Carolina Blumenthal Performing Arts Center." [Executive Summary p. 4]

Author(s): Theis, Suanne and Stoilis, Kim
Date of Publication: Jan 01, 2004

Everyones Internet (Ev1. Net) Art Car Weekend is an annual public art festival in Houston, Texas that celebrates the drive to create. It draws more than 1,400 participating artists from around the U.S., Canada and Mexico and a live audience of more than 150,000 for a parade and related events. Now 18 years old, this event has inspired other art car events throughout the US, but Houston's Art Car Weekend is a signature event, the biggest and best. This case study discusses the need and process of gaining sponsorships for the program.

Author(s): Randy I. Cohen and Margaret Jane Wyszomirski
Date of Publication: Nov 01, 2002

In 1998, The Pew Charitable Trusts commissioned Americans for the Arts and The Ohio State University Arts Policy and Administration Program to analyze public and private sources of support for arts and culture. This report is the result of that research.

Author(s): Bush, Robert
Date of Publication: Dec 01, 2003

In communities of all sizes, United Arts Ffunds (UAF) are working to broaden the base of support for the arts, promote excellence in the arts and arts management, and to ensure that arts organizations are financially stable.

Author(s): Greenberg, Arthur
Date of Publication: Jun 30, 1995

It is the intent of this issue of Monographs to explore a variety of ways in which local arts agencies can provide a valuable service to their communities and arts organization constituents by becoming more active in the sometimes overwhelming world of marketing.

Author(s): Colbert, Francois
Date of Publication: Oct 01, 2003

It is around the particularities of cultural marketing that entrepreneurship and leadership in marketing the arts must be articulated. The marketing process in the arts starts with the creative work; the manager cannot modify this core product. Thus the marketing process in the arts is conceptually different from that in other fields.

Author(s): Koblin Schear, Susan
Date of Publication: Jan 01, 2003

Marketing Your Organization in Tough Times reports on National Arts Marketing Project (NAMP) roundtable discussion held in New York City on November 14, 2002. Participants shared the challenges and concerns they faced for marketing their organizations during tough times.

Author(s): Glickman, Louise
Date of Publication: Jan 01, 1997

To build a long-lasting relationship, culture and tourism must join hands in collaboration, implementation and communication.

Paul Miller

How CRM Can Help You Outperform National Arts Industry Revenue Benchmarks

Posted by Paul Miller, Nov 06, 2018

Paul Miller

Content presented by PatronManager.

In economic news, we sometimes hear that the arts aren’t doing so well. So, how can your arts organization defy this trend and become a sustainable entity for years to come? I have three letters for you: CRM.

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Ms. Jill Jacobs

Expanding Audience Connections

Posted by Ms. Jill Jacobs, Oct 18, 2018

Ms. Jill Jacobs

Arts organizations often find a delicate balance in planning a season that generates necessary revenue and attendance, while still being driven by a meaningful purpose. The ultimate goal is to provide opportunities rooted in a place of purpose, guided by your mission, that have the ability to reach a largest possible range of individuals.

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Judith H. Dobrzynski

The Arts Experience and Reducing Audience Churn

Posted by Judith H. Dobrzynski, Oct 16, 2018

Judith H. Dobrzynski

If you could attract neophyte audience members and get them to return by buying them a glass of wine, wouldn’t you do it? And if it was even easier to get them to the next step, becoming regulars—say, all it took was greeting them by name—wouldn’t you do that?

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Mr. Sean King

The Room Where It Happens

Posted by Mr. Sean King, Oct 15, 2018

Mr. Sean King

The individuals who are in the room when decisions are made can make all the difference to the following weeks and months of labor to build brand, engage the community, and develop future audiences.  Here are a few helpful hints for you to make the case why marketing should be “in the room” to influence positive outcomes.

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Judith H. Dobrzynski

The Road to Participation: Countering Misperceptions

Posted by Judith H. Dobrzynski, Oct 16, 2018

Judith H. Dobrzynski

Reviewing theoretical and data-driven research, along with practical experiences from arts organizations over the past 10 years, The Wallace Foundation and its partners have developed a much better understanding of the reasons people choose to go, or not to go, to an arts performance or exhibition. The decision is not a simple case of yes or no.

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Mr. Chris Elam

Techniques to Engage Fans and Increase Income With Your Art: Part I

Posted by Mr. Chris Elam, Aug 13, 2013

Mr. Chris Elam

At Misnomer Dance Theater, we have been exploring approaches to help artists increase their arts-related income and provide greater access to their art in new and more frequent ways.

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Mr. Chris Elam

Techniques to Engage Fans and Increase Income With Your Art: Part 2

Posted by Mr. Chris Elam, Oct 15, 2013

Mr. Chris Elam

At Misnomer Dance Theater, we have been exploring ways that artists can provide greater access to their art that also increases their arts-related income.

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Ms. Kimberly Howard

Artist to Philanthropist

Posted by Ms. Kimberly Howard, Apr 14, 2014

Ms. Kimberly Howard

I’ve just returned home from what I’ve begun to affectionately call, My Dinner with 11 Amazing Minds, WESTAF’s “Dinner-Vention” held at Djerassi Resident Artists retreat in beautiful Northern California.

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Ms. Kara Larson

New Patrons vs Old

Posted by Ms. Kara Larson, Jan 31, 2011

Ms. Kara Larson

If we can’t make our existing patrons happy, we might shortly find ourselves with a more urgent need to find new ones.

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Amelia Northrup-Simpson

Marketing is from Mars; Development is from Venus

Posted by Amelia Northrup-Simpson, Apr 15, 2015

Amelia Northrup-Simpson

Let’s face it: sometimes it seems like marketing and development couldn’t be more different.

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Ms. Rebekah L. Lengel

Funding The Arts With Creative Partners

Posted by Ms. Rebekah L. Lengel, Sep 10, 2015

Ms. Rebekah L. Lengel

Across the country, arts organizations are constantly seeking ways to do more with less and fundraise creatively and collaboratively. For artist led organizations, this need is only amplified by lack available funds that can be dedicated to operational support, and the need to create an artistic product.

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Mr. Tim Baker

Mr. Steven Roth

Free is a magic number?

Posted by Mr. Tim Baker, Mr. Steven Roth, May 15, 2012

Mr. Tim Baker

Mr. Steven Roth

When talking about price, it’s often easy to overlook one of the most important of prices: FREE! ‘Free’ can be an incredibly powerful tool for generating demand, but may create more challenges than it addresses. This is particularly true for the arts.

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Amelia Northrup-Simpson

Life Imitates Art: Subscription Models Still Going Strong

Posted by Amelia Northrup-Simpson, Apr 17, 2012

Amelia Northrup-Simpson

How many times have you heard that the arts need a new business model or that subscriptions are dead?

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Mr. Tim Baker

Mr. Steven Roth

Back to Basics: Supply and Demand

Posted by Mr. Tim Baker, Mr. Steven Roth, Mar 14, 2012

Mr. Tim Baker

Mr. Steven Roth

As compelling as we find the study of behavioral economics, you just can't escape the logic of supply and demand that is the basis of classical economics.

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