Partnering with the business community no longer means just asking for money. Learn how to effectively talk to business leaders, marketing departments, human resource personnel and other decision makers within the business environment about how to develop mutually beneficial projects.  

Two project managers and two artists discuss building successful relationships and developing skills sets that lead to the best art project while cultivating creative thinking and problem solving. Public art professionals at all levels of experience are encouraged to register.

Participants will learn the basic "nuts and bolts" of the field of public art. The 90-minute webinar will cover some of the unique skills required for art-making in the public realm including an overview of public art and the public realm, project examples, programs, funding, implementation and resources for further study. Two case studies will be presented which explore the experiences of two artists who have transitioned from the studio/gallery to the public realm.

The Cohort Club

Sean Daniels

Sean Daniels

For Geva Theatre in Rochester, NY, I created an engagement group that has significantly impacted the way we interact with patrons and stakeholders, it’s called The Cohort Club.

I started with four ideas:

1)   Education breeds excitement.

Public Art; a means for human development – The Artist as Social Animator

It was about six years ago, in 2007, sitting in my small Hong Kong apartment, that I put down ideas for a work practice that would use public art and modern culture as means of developing community and habitat. A practice where the arts would be used not just as an aesthetic to beautify or to activate space, but as productions of communality with the residents of a place and through a process that would open a space for community members to develop and connect.


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