Ms. Jill Jacobs

The Opinion Party: Reimagining the Focus Group

Posted by Ms. Jill Jacobs, Sep 24, 2019

Ms. Jill Jacobs

How often have you felt that if your arts organization only had more data, you could reach new audiences? But if you only gather data from a pool of individuals who are already paying attention, then you are missing out on a much-needed conversation with new audiences.

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One Ring to Convert Them All: Using Topical Events to Turn New Prospects into Single Ticket Buyers

Getting the right message to the right people at the right time. But what does that actually look like in practice?

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

When you’re thinking about social content, think about the 70/30 rule of engagement. 70% of your content should be giving users interesting, fun, and shareable content. Do that correctly and you've earned the right to give users 30% sales content. One way to create good 70% content is to tap into what's going on in the world outside of your organization. This is called a social “sweet spot.”

Source Name: 
Capacity Interactive
Author Name: 
Sam Kindler

The 11 Generation Z Statistics Advertisers Must Know

The Top 11 Generation Z Statistics For Every CMO

Friday, March 17, 2017

Born in the time between the early 1990’s and the mid-2000s, Generation Z occupies a nebulous age bracket. Even so, the individuals that make up Generation Z have many characteristics that make them easily distinguishable from the preceding generations. Most significant, though, is Gen Z'ers affinity for the Internet. As “digital natives”, Generation Z presents a unique challenge and lucrative opportunity for digital marketers.
We’ve collected the major Generation Z statistics to give marketers a better picture of this developing consumer demographic.
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Using Google Analytics: An Essential Guide for Social Media Marketers & Small Business Owners

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Google Analytics is a crucial tool for any digital marketer, but it isn't exactly the easiest to understand. Start with these basics and learn how to set up your account, track metrics, integrate Google Analytics into your website, set up goals, and boost your sales.

Source Name: 
Author Name: 
Disha Dinesh

What Is A Marketing Pixel And Why Should You Care?

Saturday, July 1, 2017

Ever heard of a marketing pixel? It's a little tracker placed on your website so you can keep up with what your customers are looking at to remind them about it later (i.e. ads on Facebook for the play you thought about checking out). Ticketfly is helping you out by laying it all out and how it can help grow your audience.

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Author Name: 
Ticketfly Marketing

How I Grew My Twitter Following by 2,400 Percent

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Having trouble gaining Twitter followers? See how Sam Kern from Influence & Co grew his following by 2,400% and take a look at these easy fixes for you to have follower success!

Source Name: 
Influence & Co
Author Name: 
Sam Kern

The 15 Types of People You’ll Meet at a Conference

With so many benefits of attending and goals to focus on during a conference, choosing just one can be a tall order. And with INBOUND 2016 around the corner, you might be asking yourself: Should you network, and make connections with smart people? Or should you stick to learning, and diligently take notes during the breakout sessions?

Whatever it is that you're hoping to accomplish, we've carved out personas for the 15 types of conference-goers you're most likely to meet or embody. We've all met at least one, and understanding them can help you figure out your goals for attending.

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Author Name: 
Brittany Leaning
Author(s): Cohen, Randy
Date of Publication: Jan 01, 2016

This report concentrates on LAAs that define their service area along county borders, whether they serve a single county, or a region that includes more than one. In total, 47 percent of responding LAAs fit these criteria; 18 percent serving multiple counties, and 29 percent serving a single county.

Author(s): Cohen, Randy
Date of Publication: Jan 01, 2016

This report concentrates on United Arts Funds (UAFs), local arts agencies whose main function is to raise money from local individuals, businesses, and foundations to re-grant to local arts institutions and provide support to the cultural community. In total, 37 UAFs responded to the Census (32 completed the long-form and five the short form).

Author(s): Cohen, Randy
Date of Publication: Jan 01, 2016

This report concentrates on the United States Urban Arts Federation (USUAF) a subset of LAAs that serve the 60 largest U.S cities. Fifty eight of those cities have an active local arts agency, and of those, 55completed the long form Census, and one completed the short form version.


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