The digital storefront, dubbed Classical Live, will feature both on-demand streaming audio and digital downloads of performances by the Boston Symphony Orchestra, Cleveland Orchestra, London Symphony Orchestra, New York Philharmonic and the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra of Amsterdam.

A patron is told on the phone that the theatre she wants to visit is accessible. When she arrives, she can enter the lobby and house in her wheelchair, but at intermission she discovers a step into the ladies’ room. Another patron arrives for a show, but has to wait for the head carpenter to arrive and remove a seat in order to accommodate her wheelchair, delaying the show. Another calls a theatre to ask if they can accommodate two wheelchairs, because he would like to bring a friend.

Thanks to the internet, global reach is no longer reserved for deep-pocketed brands, nor is it an incredible hassle for already over-burdened marketing managers. In fact, a global presence is possible for any business with a creative strategy and an understanding of world markets. To give you an idea of what a great global marketing strategy looks like, we've compiled a list of brands that totally "get it."

Logitech, the company most of us still know for selling that very nice computer mouse we bought around the first time we dialed in to AOL, is about to drop the "tech." As part of a new rebranding, the company will simply go by Logi (pronounced "lodge-ee").

Don’t look now, but 450 penguins are mimicking your every move. It may sound like a horror movie, but it’s actually an installation in which motorized toys form a mechanical mirror. Through the color contrast on their bodies, the penguins create a silhouette which moves in sync with the viewer.

Viacom Velocity, the marketing agency that serves Viacom’s music and entertainment teams, just released a ridiculous music video about the importance of data analytics. It stars social media personalities The Fat Jew and Todrick Hall as rappers “Big Data” and “Hadoop,” respectively.


Content such as this leads to a high bounce rate, or number of viewers that see your content and instantly “bounce” to some other content. Content that doesn’t really add value for the intended marketing target audience is a missed conversion opportunity.A conversion can be a variety of things, depending on your goals, but it should be trackable and measurable.

Most people still think PR is some kind of black magic flacks work on the press -- you sprinkle a little witch’s potion, and TA-DA! You’re in The Wall Street Journal. But PR is a more strategic, sustained practice than that, and it’s a field content marketers need to understand as owned, earned and even paid media continue to intersect.

"If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again," claims the old proverb, but W.C. Fields may have said it best when he added, "Then quit. There’s no point in being a damn fool about it." For Will Young, director of Zappos Labs, "try, try" was the easy part. Knowing when it was time to quit, however, was a lesson that took a while to learn. Zappos Labs was created in 2011 to explore new lines of business for the e-commerce company.

For decades, companies have taken for granted the notion that focusing relentlessly on improving customer interactions will lead to greater loyalty from the people who buy their products and services. The relevant metrics usually pertain to familiar questions: How well am I delivering in-the-moment? How are customers experiencing my brand across a range of touch points—call centers, websites, social media, mobile apps, in-store?
