Brands can now track and collect data to answer all sorts of questions, but most of the time these questions are directed internally: “How many people are using are service? How can we leverage our data to optimize our services boost our revenue?” But more often than not, there are other fascinating questions you can answer that’ll appeal to the larger public and help you create the kind of valuable—and perhaps most importantly, exclusive—content that separates you from the

There seems to be a misconception that by sharing one basic social message on multiple social media platforms, companies are doing their job and being active on social media. While there is some truth to this, writing for social media is so much more than that.

When Caitlyn Jenner's Vanity Fair cover story burst onto the web last week, social media instantly lit up with buzz about her transformation.
But one group remained uncharacteristically mum on the subject: the big brands, the companies that have crews of agencies and social media managers at the ready to insert their names into far-reaching conversations.

Being smart is a huge leg up in life, but it's not a golden ticket. Intelligent people, despite their natural gifts, can, and often do, end up stalled in their careers and unhappy in their personal lives just like those of us with less lofty IQs. Why? That's what a recent poster to question-and-answer site Quora wanted to know0.

Researchers have discovered trends in the way that we perform every major action on Facebook—liking, posting, sharing, commenting and even lurking. And there’s a ton of psychology involved in what makes Facebook so attractive in the first place. Here’s a look at the psychology of Facebook: what makes us like, post, share and keep coming back for more.

For the arts to thrive in our community in the future I believe that inspired, creative leadership should focus on three essential elements: education, access, and inclusion. I am, of course, talking about the “nonprofit” arts, such as classical music, ballet, opera, visual arts, theater, etc., because the truth is that artistic expression in a variety of other forms is doing just fine.

Now that content marketing is officially a mainstream tactic – nine out of ten organizations are marketing with content – brands are strategizing new ways to achieve visibility in a competitive environment. As a marketer, you are tasked with delivering a distinctive brand experience with your content – one that cuts through the clutter and leaves a lasting impression.

Spotify is already the biggest music subscription service in the U.S., but it is facing increasing competition as more big players, including Apple and Jay Z, enter the streaming-music market. Today, Spotify is launching a new version that incorporates podcasts, video, and a new, contextually aware approach to music playback.

Where are you most able to execute your mission: inside your facility, or outside of it? There are a lot of reasons we focus on work inside our facilities. Our facilities are, ideally, spaces optimized for mission execution. Galleries purpose-made to show artwork. Performance halls perfectly tuned for the orchestra. Archives with climate control to protect artifacts.

As social networking has taken over the web, and users no longer visit publishers' homepages to find news, Facebook has become a primary funnel for readers, pointing you, your friends, and your family to articles like this one. Today, Facebook is taking that idea to its next logical conclusion.
