The idea of content marketing is nearly as old as the ad industry itself. But in the last several years, with the unprecedented opportunities afforded by digital production, publishing, and distribution tools, a growing number of brands have created a wider than ever array of content and still others say they intend to explore new content opportunities in the near future.

I recently went online to pay a credit card bill with a well-known financial institution. Upon logging in, I was presented with a promotional advertisement for the company's iPad application. As a designer, I was naturally curious as to how the app differed from the Web experience, assuming it might just surpass my expectations. And why not?

Storytelling is everywhere in the world of communications — in every other webinar I see advertised, best-selling books, even our politics, where we hear about the narrative of the primaries.

Craig Watson, the newly hired Director of the California Arts Council, and Bob Booker, Executive Director of the Arizona Commission on the Arts, encountered each other at a conference in San Francisco. These two friendly rivals made an almost-ridiculous bet: they challenged each other to a race. A 10K race, no less. Each man vowed that his arts agency would be the first to reach 10,000 "likes" on Facebook—although both were starting at around the 4,500 mark.

"The glow of one warm thought is to me worth more than money." ~Thomas Jefferson

"Show me the money!" ~Tom Cruise

One day last fall Adam Lerner, director of the Museum of Contemporary Art/Denver, convened a staff meeting. The aim was to brainstorm for the next season of Mixed Taste, the museum’s signature lecture series.

The Oscars remind us that, when it comes to branding, bold creativity--not committees or safe plays--wins the day. Brand identity expert David Brier and cartoonist Tom Fishburne break down what businesses can learn from Hollywood.

I got together with Tom Fishburne to explore the vital component of creativity and what businesses could take away from this year’s Oscars. Here’s what we unearthed. 

There's been a deafening hype around Pinterest since it exploded on to the social media scene in the last month. Like the noisy new kid on the block, it's impossible to ignore--have a quick look at #Pinterest on Twitter and you'll notice it's a little like Marmite; you either love it or you hate it.

As an arts marketing and technology guy, I get asked about tech a lot. I help people choose online ticketing systems, new website content management systems, e-mail marketing software — if it is online technology, I’ve probably helped an arts group choose and implement it. When I first started consulting, I thought my job would be to help people make the right choices, and then be on my way.

When I first overhead the term hashtag used at a cocktail party, I have to admit I thought people were talking about some new effort to stigmatize marijuana users…and... these people really need a social media policy... so don't feel badly if you’re thinking to yourself, didn’t we call that a number sign(#) or pound sign?
