Jennifer Edwards

Truth, Trust, and Transparency: Basic Tools in the Sharing Economy

Posted by Jennifer Edwards, Oct 20, 2015

Jennifer Edwards

Call it collaborative consumption, the peer economy, or the sharing economy- all titles describe the force that is disrupting business as usual and carving space for some of the most unique and lucrative independent ‘businesses’ of the time. From E-bay to Lyft and from Airbnb to Taskrabbit companies are leveraging their futures on the crazy idea that people will trust other humans, often more readily than they do the brick and mortar façades of organizations. One may think this would be good news for arts organizations that, after all, traffic in things that are purely human – humanly devised, made, and delivered. And yet, the arts have aligned themselves so rigidly with outdated business structures that it’s a daunting task to do what should come naturally – build trusting relationships with our communities through being truthful and transparent with our work. 

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Rebecca Evans

Arts Organizations Thriving on Social Media: An In Depth Look at 3 Stunning Campaigns

Posted by Rebecca Evans, Oct 27, 2015

Rebecca Evans

Arts organizations should be benefitting from the rise of social media more than anyone – the arts are all about storytelling.

And the numbers emerging from social media research are astonishing. 65% of adults use social media, and according to one study, millenials spend 5.4 hours on social media daily.

Here are a few examples of recent social media campaigns that illustrate what social networking can do for us as arts marketers and advocates – you’ll be amazed at the fun you can have.

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Ms. Cath Hume

Agile: The Holy Grail or Just another Buzzword?

Posted by Ms. Cath Hume, Oct 20, 2015

Ms. Cath Hume

The Arts Marketing Association (AMA) has spent the last two years encouraging the best digital marketers in the UK cultural sector to work in an agile way. But is it truly beneficial for busy marketers to build experimentation into their daily practice?

The Digital Marketing Academy (DMA) is an entirely virtual learning programme that brings together the best digital marketing experts in the UK arts and cultural sector with a host of amazing international mentors.

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Mr. Robert Lynch

Five Macro Trends That Arts Organizations Need to Watch

Posted by Mr. Robert Lynch, Feb 17, 2016

Mr. Robert Lynch

2016 is off and running, and guaranteed to be a dynamic presidential election year. Along with a new administration in Washington, five broad cultural and economic trends are sure to impact sectors across America--affecting our work in the arts in the coming years. Candidates at all levels of government will need to evolve positions on each of these trends so we can work more strategically to ensure that the arts continue to thrive and enrich the lives of every American.

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Ms. Allison M. Tyra

Just Keep Smiling: Presenting Ticket Increases with Positivity

Posted by Ms. Allison M. Tyra, Oct 21, 2015

Ms. Allison M. Tyra

While visiting my family in Indianapolis this year, I learned that the excellent Indianapolis Museum of Art admission would now be $18 for adults, $10 for youths ages 6 to 17. This doesn't seem like terribly much - until you realize that it had been free for several years. 

Admittedly, the IMA has been addressing financial issues since losing about $100 million - approximately a third of its endowment - in the 2008 financial crisis.

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Amelia Northrup-Simpson

Contextual marketing: back to the future

Posted by Amelia Northrup-Simpson, Oct 21, 2015

Amelia Northrup-Simpson

Are you a contextual marketer? Probably.

Chances are, you’re doing some form of contextual marketing already. If you’re a marketer, you’ve made some effort to understand your patrons and match their needs to what you’re offering.

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