Think outside the box.

This time-worn advice has been offered as a panacea for getting out of all manner of ruts and for jump-starting innovation. But how you exactly go about coming up with a creative solution to a problem isn't always so clear.

In a world of five-year goals and quarter-by-quarter forecasts, Shantell Martin (Behance profile) just wings it. Martin never “plans” her work in the traditional sense. Check that, she never plans anything in the traditional sense. Her art appears as one big doodle, a continuous black and white line drawing with recurring characters that sometimes leap off the walls and onto Martin’s clothing — like the sneakers she wore when we spoke.

According to Dan Hill in Emotionomics: Leveraging Emotions for Business Success, “Emotions process sensory input in only one-fifth the time our conscious, cognitive brain takes to assimilate that same input.” Emotions, rather than cognitive thinking, have a more profound impact on our actions; create lasting, instinctual impressions; and actually predispose us to follow the same course of action in the future.

The memory is as clear as cellophane. I sat in a sterile windowless classroom listening to much older professors that don’t look like me lecture on business strategies, market segmentation and innovation using slideshow presentations full of dated animated clipart and colorful charts and graphs. Their monotone voices overflowed with confidence in their pedagogy and its ability to save their students from the perils of mediocrity and low profit margins.

Have you ever been in the audience of a performance of the Brahms Requiem and felt the stillness of the listeners around you? Have you ever attended a children's theater production and witnessed laughs-out-loud or applause in unexpected places? If you think about these moments through the eyes of a researcher, a number of questions emerge. Who are the people attending this event? Why are they here? What were they expecting?

Snapchat offers two types of On-Demand Geofilters: one type for people and one for businesses. The area for on-demand geofilters must be between 20,000 and 5 million square feet and they cannot be active for more than 30 days.

The web has no shortage of alarmist articles about how "email is dead" yet email is very much still alive. Let’s be honest—email is known as social media’s lame older brother. However it is a critical channel for arts marketing.

The rise of social media means that artists are expected to be in the spotlight and interacting with their fans 24/7. While this is all well and good for the attention lovers, such a prospect is decidedly unappealing for the more introverted musician. Here, we offer some sound advice for the attention shy on how to navigate social media's choppy waters.

It has been a bewildering election cycle, for sure. And while American politics have surely become a sideshow before, the 2016 presidential race is firmly in the running to be the most surreal political spectacle in memory. Artist Hank Willis Thomas didn’t want to miss out on the absurdity.

One hundred million users is the kind of number that can seduce any marketer. But jumping onto the platform without a strategy or some boundaries is a sure-fire way to lose the respect of both your audience and your marketing team.
