Author(s): Harder, Paul; Bedwell, Deboarh; Cameron, Elizabeth; Hockett, Carol; Williams, Patterson B.; Godfrey, Marian A.; Masaki, Karen; Campbell, Andrew; Berger, Ted; O'Meara, Sharon; Egan, Patricia; See Notes for additional authors
Date of Publication: May 15, 2019

The theme of this issue of the National Arts Stabilization Journal is Measuring Joy: Evaluation in the Arts.

Author(s): Cohen, Martin D.; Morris, Thomas W.; Rifkin, Ned; Scorca, Marc A.; Wichterman, Catherine; Rodgers, Bruce E.; Sasser, Nancy; Kotter, John P.
Date of Publication: May 15, 2019

The theme of this issue of the National Arts Stabilization Journal is Leading and Managing Change in Arts Organizations.

Author(s): Scottsdale Cultural Council
Date of Publication: May 15, 2019

the Scottsdale Cultural Council's 5-year strategic plan -- a vision that our contract with the City of Scottsdale requires, but which is truly a labor of love. It is the creation of the Scottsdale Cultural Council's Board of Trustees, supported by the senior staff of the Cultural Council, who invested just over a year to researching and deliberating its components. Perhaps its most important statement is contained in the preamble, where it recognizes that future success, "depends on [the] ability to motivate a wide range of stakeholders - audiences, donors, artists, arts educators, sponsors,

Author(s): Young, Henry, Jr.
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1975

The purpose of this study was to define a program concept most acceptable to the majority of companies, identify lease or rental arrangements which would avoid major capital expenditures, review existing craft union agreements with the League of New York Theatres, and identity possible funding sources for such a proposed subscription season.

Author(s): Rebollo Pratt, Rosalie, Researcher and Editor; with contributions by Palmer, Janice; Hamblin, Amy; Terry, Paula
Date of Publication: Feb 29, 2004

The purpose of this paper was to provide background information to a symposium by the Society for the Arts in Healthcare and the National Endowment for the Arts prior to convening in Washington, D.C. in March 2003.

Author(s): Corporation for Public Broadcasting
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1980

The Public Telecommunications Financing Act of 1978 requires that the Corporation, in consultation with interested parties, create a 5-year Plan for the development of public telecommunications services, and that such a plan be updated annually by the Corporation. This document is the first product of an industry-wide planning process initiated by the Corporation in response to that charge.

Author(s): Gelblum, Seth
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1981

The professional stage actors' union, Actors' Equity Association (AEA), has struggled for sixteen years to protect its members who work without pay in New York's nonprofit Off Off Broadway theatres. The current focus of the struggle concerns whether actors in an Off Off Broadway (OOB) production of a new play have any rights in a subsequent commercial production of the play. This article analyzes the unique characteristics of the actors' unions, and looks at possible solutions to the Showcase Code problem.

Author(s): The Portland City Council
Date of Publication: May 15, 2019

The Portland City Council established the Portland Public Art Program in the spring of 2000 in order to preserve, restore, enhance and expand the City's public art collection. The ordinance requires that the Portland Public Art Committee submit to Council an annual art plan which outlines recommendations for allocating the C.I.P. public art percentage, administration of the program, conservation of the collection, and initiation of new projects.

Author(s): Pennsylvania Council on the Arts
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 2000

The Pennsylvania Council on the Arts (PCA) was established in 1966 to encourage and develop the arts in the Commonwealth. This document reflects a five-year plan for the agency approved by the PCA in 2001.

Author(s): Yuen, Cheryl L.
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1989

This book offers some outlines, ideas, and starting points as tools for putting together and maintaining a local arts agency.

Author(s): Horwitz, Tem
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1977

This book is written for artists and administrators who want to set up arts organizations, reorganize existing ones, or simply think about some of the possibilities open to them. The bias of this book is towards small- to medium-size arts institutions, and above all towards the innovation that can take place in these settings. The book is divided into three sections.

Author(s): Anthony, Robert N. and Herzlinger, Regina E.
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1979

This book is primarily intended for a course on management control problems in nonprofit organizations in general. Although it assumes that students have had a first course in accounting, it is not primarily a book on accounting. Such a course is often offered by an accounting department, but the book has also been used in courses offered by economics and finance departments, and by management departments in schools of education, medicine, public health, theology and public administration.

Author(s): Adams, G. Donald
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1982

This book is intended to serve as a basic reference for any type of public relations activity, whether volunteer, part time, or full time.

Author(s): Wolf, Thomas
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1983

This book is based on material developed for a seminar taught for several years at Radcliffe College by the author about non profit management.

Author(s): Lynch, Robert L.
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1987

This booklet recounts 10 years of service of the National Assembly of the Local Arts Agencies. Prepared by National Assembly of Local Arts Agencies in Washington, DC in 1988.

Author(s): Independent Sector, Effective Sector Leadership/Management Program,
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1985

This series of articles is intended as a resource to aid both individuals and organizations involved in executive searches. In view of the fact that the authors wrote independently of each other, you will notice that a number of critical points are repeated throughout the series. When the cost of a search is amortized over the new recruit's tenure, executive search firms are a cost effective resource for finding some of the best professionals to assume leadership roles in nonprofit institutions. Executive search committees represent another way of achieving similar results when resources are

Author(s): Alliance of Artists Communities
Date of Publication: Apr 04, 2005

This revised and updated edition of this directory lists residency opportunities for creative individuals of all kinds and comprehensive details on residency centers.

Author(s): Hodgkinson, Virginia Ann
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1988

This resource packet has been prepared for faculty and academic program directors as a compendium of information relating to teaching about the nonprofit sector. Its purpose is to serve as a reference for faculty interested in designing courses about this sector at the undergraduate and graduate levels. As such, it is one strategy the Independent Sector Research Committee is pursuing to support teaching on the nonprofit sector at colleges and universities. We have compiled book lists, publication lists, teaching materials, and syllabi of established courses to help faculty and academic

Author(s): Hager, Mark A. and Pollak, Thomas H.
Date of Publication: Apr 01, 2002

This report summarizes results from a survey of performing arts presenting organizations in the United States. The study was commissioned by the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation to supplement an evaluation of its Leadership Presenting Organizations program, and by the Association of Performing Arts Presenters to provide context for a series of presenting organization convocations and to provide a basis for future planning.

Author(s): Cuesta, Carlo M.; Gillespie, Dana M.; Lillis, Padraic
Date of Publication: Aug 31, 2005

This report summarizes findings from a McKnight Foundations study which examined the impact of the arts on the community and economic health of eight rural Minnesota towns.

Author(s): Crowder, Nancy L and Hodgkinson, Virginia Ann
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1990

This report reveals, many academic centers are developing unique research agendas which will broaden the knowledge base about philanthropy and the law, nonprofit institutions and the practice of philanthropy, fund-raising, the management of nonprofit organizations, the nonprofit sector in other nations and international philanthropy.

Author(s): Americans for the Arts
Date of Publication: May 31, 2013

This report provides detailed statistics about the salaries and demograhics of the nation's Local Arts Agency (LAAs) employees. The data colled in March 2013 after receiving 753 responsed from 2,199 survey's e-mailed to LAAs.

Author(s): Jackson, Maria-Rosario, Ph.D.; Kabwasa-Green, Florence; Swenson, Daniel; Herranz, Joaquin, Jr.; Ferryman, Kadija; Atlas, Caron; Wallner, Eric; Rosenstein, Carole, Ph.D
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 2002

This report presents the overall findings of Investing in Creativity: A Study of the Support Structure for U.S. Artists a national study conducted by the Urban Institute and supported by a 38-member consortium of funders.

Author(s): Militello, Jack; Burns, Thomas; and Dickstein, Carla
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1981

This report is the result of a two month study of opportunities for improving the management of Philadelphia's non-profit cultural organizations. The aims of the study were to identify the management needs of the member organizations of the Greater Philadelphia Cultural Alliance, available management resources relevant to those needs, and feasible management development strategies to improve the capacities of cultural organizations to cope with tighter money and increasing competition in the non-profit sector.

Author(s): Aldridge, Julie
Date of Publication: Sep 30, 2003

This report is a culmination of our research and provides insights into how to develop your website to increase revenue, decrease costs, and maximise return on investment. Arts organisations should consider using this data to set realistic objectives and track progress overtime. The options of what to analyse were endless.

Author(s): New York State Council on the Arts, Ad Hoc Committee
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1974

This report examines five areas of the activities of the New York Council on the Arts. These include: the interrelationships between Staff, Panel, Council Sub-Committees and full Council; council budgeting; new requirements mandated by the 1974 legislation; how the Council conducts its business; and types of arts organizations being supported and not being supported.

Author(s): Task Force on New York State Arts and Cultural Life
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1974

This report deals with the reorganization of the function of the Council on the arts and its staff in light of increased funding for the arts in New York State.

Author(s): Knauft, Burt
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1989

This report covers one phase of a larger Profiles of Excellence project conducted by the Effective Sector Leadership/Management Program of Independent Sector. The work has benefited from the advice and monitoring of the Effective Sector Leadership/Management Advisory Committee, currently chaired by Fern Portnoy, President, Portnoy & Associates. Former Chairpersons of the Committee during earlier phases of the Profiles study were Roger Heyns, President, William and Flora Hewlett Foundation; Reynold Levy, President, AT&T Foundation; and Ira Hirschfield, Director of Philanthropy,

Author(s): Gladstone, Myron J.
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1971

This report contains the findings of a survey of New York State museums conducted from November 1971 to May 1972 by the New York State Association of Museums. 105 museums, historical societies, zoos, and botanical gardens participated.

Author(s): Prepared By the Civic Federation
Date of Publication: May 15, 2019

This report analyzes the public funding for 12 major cultural institutions in Cook County that receive property tax-based funding from the Chicago Park District or the Forest Preserve District of Cook County. It makes recommendations for alternative funding sources that could stabilize the public funding for these and other institutions.


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